...okay, it's perfectly possible to do a non-immersion tracking shot in VR, as demonstrated by VRSUN and others in the 'vouyer' dept, but i've yet to see anyone try to film people fucking with one. Boom, there's an idea.
Obviously JAV have (i assume) already done it, but i think by now it should be perfectly obvious that the meta is:
JAV have already done everything first, and all we need to do is blatantly copy them.
Which is exactly how all great art works. You copy the people that are successful that came before, develop your own style, and innovate your own path forwards.
What @xeddin1 says about following gut is absolutely true. It's easy to copy everyone else, and it's inevitable when innovating that you fuck up. Over and over again. But true talent, and creativity, isn't a flash in the pan, it's a long hard slog, 99% perspiration, and a harsh tide of criticism, from people who have their faces turned to the past. Expect to be hated for producing great art. Don't expect to be understood. But do enjoy the rush.
So yeah, i'm happy for SLR to make some truly bad mistakes, because the more chaos, the more creation.
And there's probably a circle jerk of confirmation bias going on with this very forum, in that there's not a great many of us here (out of SLR user base), and that would imply we're a certain type of people (opinionated twats who can't resist forums...) and thus aren't representative of the actually current user base, maybe we're more... vociferous?
i dunno.
Opinionated vociferous twat signing out...