adinihsan thatoculusdude Earlier this year, before I even heard about SLR drive, I tried both RunwayML (paid version) and Da Vinci Resolve Magic Mask to create passthrough videos myself. While it's possible to do so with these apps, it's very impractical for any large scale conversion.
For RunwayML you need to downscale the video, upload it, create the green screen, download the green screen / masked video, upscale the mask back to the original resolution and overlay it onto the original video (using ffmpeg). Basically, it's too time consuming to do all of these steps.
For Da Vinci Resolve, the AI Magic Mask tracking can be finnicky with VR and too much manual input is required to make necessary corrections. Also very time consuming as well.
Realistically, for a large scale conversion I'm guessing you'd have to use AI models like Meta SAM2 (Segment Anything Model) in combination with YOLO model (You Only Look Once) for object detection but I never explored that fully. It would require a lot of coding and VR-specific AI model training to create a pipeline for large scale conversion with these models. I'm guessing nobody at the moment is willing to code such a thing for free.
Not to mention, if you don't have enough GPU processing for your needs, you probably need to spin up some beefy AWS EC2s with significant GPU / AI capable processing power - this can be very $$$.
So for now, we pay SLR.