fuccaneer I mean all this is just way over complicated. They just need a pay once flat rate option with a decent credit amount prioritized over hard drive space. There is only so much space you need when you only have 30 credits, soon to be maybe 15 if you have a toy, lets face it. Not a lot. And soon as you delete someting as I am finding, its gone until a month passes. Thanks for clarifying the 24hr vs 1 month.
There are always those die-hard people who use SLR and similar sites, paying customers mainly... they end up on this forum. I have many many TB of hard drive space with juicy stuff collected from over the years. Havent really gotten this through to some here yet but for example, thousands of full length hq videos and I mostly skim over the top 10 or 20. Dont touch the rest. Most people are like me skimming off the top, except they have maybe a few GB of their faves. Its normal behavior. So I look as the SLR cloud storage and all I see is enough space to render a few videos and scrap them. Not long term cloud storage in case of the apocolypse. I can do that myself much cheaper, and still wont watch most of them more than once pr twice like most people, too much content out there. The cloud storage is just a holding space for videos rendered in AI and thats all we were ever excited about: the AI.
And I dont even know what this $9.99 thing is. But based on comments a few people in these forums have made over the past few weeks, seems like that is another price marketed towards people who "just want it now at any cost" and are ready to go right away. Thats kinda just ripoff language, and honestly I was excited about this drive thing for a while I love the SLR site and hope this thing can really take off and everyone signs up for it. I want to sign up too. But for me, a lot has to change for it to be a booming success VS just another site feature.