Just getting caught up with this, i've never read about any 'drama' in VR or porn filming until now - it's pretty damn obviously a bad idea to work with Jimmy Lifestyles in any way.
Yes him having his own channel or whatever is working with him, you are giving him a platform and income stream, literally paying him to abuse women like he has done for years. His filming set, his rules, right?
I guarantee he will mention he puts his content on SLR when trying to get performers - You guys keep saying you are the biggest VR website, so of course he will mention it and all of a sudden more and more performers will link SLR and Jimmy Savile, uh, Lifestyles together.
The whole argument of "if he did wrong he'd be in prison or arrested" is bollocks. Many abusers get away with it for years even if people try to go to the police or the legal route.
I just don't see the appeal of working with the guy, he brings a TON of negative press that will make paying customers leave SLR and go elsewhere (and they'll be sure to tell everyone to avoid SLR) - I already see a lot of familiar forum names in here dead-set against SLR working with the guy.
It will also deter performers from working with SLR now and in future, i'm sure people working in the industry will hear so not just performers but possible directors, writers, everyone. Who wants to work for or with a company that knowingly and defiantly has a working relationship with such a person?
Companies often get a lot of stick for having social media teams interact with customers, but the one good thing i'd like to point out is that they take time to think about the consequences of certain actions and almost never reply on a whim with little thought or foresight 🙄