Based on other threads I see, I'm not sure if its an AVP problem only, but you can't play a whole video without it freezing, or needing to hit the play/pause button, or jump in time somewhere. It seems to be more stable if you don't jump anywhere and let the video play from start every time. And good luck if you are using the scripts, sync issues due to the freezes, etc. It's not a pleasant experience.
Do you guys normally test watching a video for 5 minutes or more? It takes a few minutes to act up, and I can see devs/QA not having patience to watch a single video for that long.
On OS version 2, no apps open, just browser, with line of sight to wifi access point (5 feet away) on a gigabit fiber connection.
Not just to throw negative stuff out, but the improvements you've made since launch of the AVP are great. The video quality now is worlds better than it was a few months ago. I do appreciate the work you've put into your product.
@doublevr I saw your post on reddit the other day, with passthrough, that looked amazing, but at this point I'd be content with just a stable video player that has scripting enabled, just anything to not rely on the browser and streaming. MoonPlayer works so well with downloaded SLR content, the only reason I come to the website is for the scripting support. We're thirsty out here. đ
If you guys open up beta testing for your AVP app, i'd love to join.