theHobbit Nash is the least popular director based on averaging likes for the last 22 scenes. Simense are killing it.
A valid point and a good exercise. Simsense is 100% killing it. Even though I am not a fan of PT, it is undeniable Simsense and SLR has done wonders with PT, and I'm positive they will improve it even more with Nash. It is also undeniable that PT is firing on all cylinders right now and it's what everyone is curious about. Meta seriously owes SLR a quarter of their Quest 3 sales to them lol. It's the reason why I bought a Quest 3 anyways, because I wanted to try PT out.
But a counter metric to your data. Here are the average likes from each director, of their last 20 SLR scenes. (And I did not include the Render-Pleasure scenes for Simsense as they were very low, and repeat scenes).

Based off this, Nash does have more likes, though only by a narrow margin. It is surely a testament to Simsense to be pulling these numbers, no doubt.
Anyways, overall, I have mentioned previously that "likes" are only part of the story, but since that is the only forward-facing metric we can use, it's the only one that we can really compare at this point. So, personally, I take this with a grain of salt.