Matt12345 But ye lol , you super fans of PT and anti-fans have some very odd ways of viewing things and one another's arguments lol
...yeah, basically this.
This whole forum is like a stuck record the moment PT is mentioned, it just implodes.
PT is just one aspect of VR, it has not replaced VR, it is new. It's just another way to view stuff with a VR headset, it has a niche appeal, just like VR does, and has many limitations at present, just like VR does.
The real issue is the passion that people have for a website that they have sunk money and emotional support into. If they think that thing they love is being threatened in some way, they will react negatively. And a lot of people have sunk a lot of money and passion into SLR. So when they see content being removed, or a particular way of shooting gaining prominence, they react emotionally.
it's not rocket science... it's people science....
What SLR need to do is be more clear in how they are dealing with these issues. To be more understanding about the love people have for the content, and to be more understanding about the way their customers react when it gets rug-pulled from under them. Perhaps calling the entire community 'a bunch of fucking idiots' because a single person questions a decision, is maybe not the best way to resolve a complaint. If you're not being clear about how decisions are made, then expect the customers responses to be volatile and uninformed as a result.
As to the topic at hand, the answer is quite simple, experiment, be more human, write some interesting scripts, get back to your roots! People generally consider the best SLRO material to be from a couple of years ago... just... do it like that again?
The largest elephant in the room, that i wanna touch on briefly, is the fact that VR will never, ever, be the equal of 2D (and vice versa). 2D is the mind's eye, the use of a single plane to create an image, essentially this hasn't changed since we started slapping burnt ochre on cave walls 50k years ago. We had an idea in our head, and this was a way to transmit it to another entity. And it's been that way ever since, the 2D image is the mind's eye, an entirely subjective thing, constantly trying to approximate an objective view. Recent cinema has tried to blend this as much as possible, the found footage genre, the film "Hardcore Henry", but essentially it's still a subjective view cleverly imitating the objective one.
VR is the objective view. It is the slave of the objective view. It is bound irresolutely to it. And it's why it's so god-damn fucking good. It 'cheats' its way past all the conventions of the last 50k years, it inserts your consciousness into that of another, and allows you to experience a visual reality in a very similar manner to the entity experiencing it. Bound as you are to that entity, you still have the ability, within that volume, to choose what you're looking at. And thus it becomes truly objective, no longer are you directed in what you see, perception is no longer curated, you're free to look at whatever you want. That's what makes it REALITY, virtual or not. And that's why interactives work so well in VR, they're another experience to 'fool' the biology into believing the reality. The more immersive the interaction become, the better it becomes.
So, with those limitations, and advantages in mind, make some truly immersive SLRO's, please. Blow my tiny fucking mind with the amazing experiences. Put me into people, and places i've never been. Or put somebody i'd never expected into my bedroom, (why is PT all cute vanilla girls?), gimme MILF, gimme weird, gimme somebody sitting on my cock for 20 mins just talking hypnotically, wtvr, just get outside the box, and keep going...