Man, what a tough thing to try and solve. Having experienced the coming and going of the 3D "fad" many years ago, it's definitely hard to be objective without drawing from past experience. VR is still widely considered a niche, and of course VR porn would then be a niche within a niche in my opinion. It's going to be hard to attempt to grow the overall VR user base when you are merely a niche within a niche. It's not impossible but it will definitely be like swimming against the current.
I would focus on growing your niche within the niche you belong in first, general VR users. Estimates for 2023 show that there are roughly 60 million headsets out in the wild.
What is your current penetration of that market? (pardon the pun)
Obviously not all 60 million may be active, a lot of people probably own multiple headsets, regardless, at best you have 60 million potential VR users at worst, a lot less, for the sake of argument I would say that it can be as low as 30-40 million individual owners, some having multiple headsets.
How many subscribers do you currently have? Are you in the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions? I have no idea and perhaps you have already shared some of this insight before, but if I were to guess, I would say probably tens of thousands? Maybe over 100k users?
Unless I am grossly underestimating the number of users you have then that would be a very low "penetration" of the overall VR user base. Also, a lot of users may be underage, how many? Hard to tell, I found a survey from 2022 that said 17% of users under 18 years of age owned a VR headset and at least 1/4 of tweens had at least tried VR out. The actual numbers could be very different, I personally think more than 20% of total VR users are under 18, specially since Meta lowered the age requirement from 13 to 10, I think they are trying to grow their long term userbase sooner by allowing younger children to come into their eco system.
Anyways, my point is that I highly doubt you have saturated the total adult VR userbase, even if half the projected VR users were to be underage, that would still be anywhere from 15-30 million potential adult VR users (estimates based on my previous estimates above) So unless you tell us that you do have several million active subscribers I would say your main focus is to target more adult VR users because you have not saturated the market enough to try and move on to bigger and more innovative things.
I love your innovations and strides to further the tech, but realize that your are digging yourself further and further into deeper niches that only your already existing user base will be aware of and appreciate, like those of us who are huge fans of your PT developments over the past couple of months. It's a super niche audience.
I personally don't even remember how i even stumbled upon your website and I have been consuming porn for a long time and have been using VR since the oculus DK1 days, I personally think you need to work on your marketing and target more active adult VR users. Sure some will simply not be interested in porn but some will, I dont know what type of conversion is considered successful in porn or VR porn for that matter, but if you can at least convert 5-10% of your targeted audience, it should be a win. I would strongly recommend focusing on using social media and clever content creators to help drive more users using an affiliate program. OnlyFan models do it all the time and seem to be quite successful at it, I cant tell you how many times I have come across a beautiful girl on tiktok doing some eye catching content only to realize she was just marketing herself on the platform and by the number of followers their tiktok accounts I had, I can only imagine how many users they were gaining with that strategy even if their conversion was only in the 5-10%. I personally never come across any advertisement for your site anywhere online, maybe im not your typical user but I would never know about your service. The closest thing I would probably come across as a regular VR user would be your DeoVR app and even then, I would have no idea the company is tied to SLR in any way.
So that would be my biggest recommendation.