(crazy post incoming 😝 )
SLR alredy is cool! There's so much awesome content and the technology for haptics, passthrough AR, BYOJ, all of the categories, etc. is miles beyond any other platform I've seen.
As someone that got into everything by mistake during the pandemic, I think there's still a educational barrier to becoming mainstream. I originally got a VR headset to play video games. I learned about teledildonics and then happened upon SLR for haptics.
I feel like most people still get VR headsets for video games, not porn. The first time I tried VR porn I was pretty skeptical but had my mind totally blown. It was so much better than I thought it would be.
A major challenge to mainstream adoption is the VR headset barrier. The top 2D porn sites get billions of visits per month. Most of those users would give a kidney for the VR experience if they tried it. To convert them there has to be a different onboarding flow then what's currently set up...
As a compulsive 2D porn user, the experience of a tube site is generally pretty standard. I would have some category of porn in mind and search for a new video (which is addictive because of the variable results). Check a few pages, find a video, jerk off, done.
You could post SLRO 2D and VR videos on the major tube sites as a hook into the conventional 2D porn user flow. They could see snippets of the content and be pulled into the main SLR site. The SLRO videos are top notch so I feel like the 2D videos would get millions of views.
I don't really know anything about sales funnel numbers but making up a scenario here... Let's say there's like 1 million views per month of SLRO content on major tube sites. The clickthrough rate to the SLR site is like 5%, so 50,000 users. Then 2% conversion after that to some level of subscription would be 1,000 users.
The 2D content is coming out so they could enjoy stuff in 2D which is fine. If they like that cool. They're missing the whole experience of VR but they have no idea that it exists yet, so whatever.
What really gets them is if they can try VR! They'll love it, it's more a matter of getting them to do VR.
Google Cardboard doesn't seem like a bad way to go (disclaimer: I've never actually tried it, is it usable VR?). It's supposed to be $4 to manufacture and maybe less at scale. If you could give that to new 2D users for free for all subscription levels, then it would help onboard them into the world of VR porn. The expense is worth it if you can convert them because they'll be much more likely to stick with SLR. It's already the best VR porn platform for all the tech and content reasons. Why change if they already have a subscription too?
Then it's off to the races with all the rest of the niche stuff like a SLR haptic device, etc.
Maybe try a limited run of just giving away Google Cardboard with this flow to anyone who signs up for email? Anything to make them a VR user! Once they experience the difference between 2D and VR they'll be good to go.
For some period of time while the focus is on growing, it's kind of about doing things that don't scale. You need to convert as many people as possible to make VR relevant.
After that, the subscription cost is a barrier for sure, but it's a lot smaller than the VR onboarding problem. SLR has lots of reasons why it's the best VR platform. It won't retain everyone that tries but it probably keeps the majority of users.
Going back to the made up sales funnel numbers, what if the Google Cardboard test bumped the conversion for a SLR subscription to 10%? That would be 5,000 users per month which is pretty awesome. IDK when it becomes relevant enough to grow VR porn users through organic growth but it has to start getting noticed by the mainstream at some point.
Making VR relevant to normal porn users seems like the first challenge to scaling.