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  • Production & Post-production Feedback

Thank you @justsomedude101 for creating a separate thread for this!

Guys, as I have mentioned many times before - any feedback is appreciated and I value it. Just please if you take time to white a thousand words essay and break down each scene into frames please take 5 minutes to learn who you need to direct this feedback for. I only can answer for myself and I don't have any authorization to answer for other producers and directors. Now you can easy search for a particular scene and connect it to a specific producer by looking into tags: https://www.sexlikereal.com/tags/alex-nash-vr

The SLR site doesn't allow me to make screen shots and I don't want to rewrite this and waste more of my time gathering evidence for you.

As I know you can take screenshots from SLR website or what do you mean? But I got it and I do have a lot of things to take care too beside the forum.

Here are the examples that i noticed:

Grey Clouds crystal shop - overexposed during cowgirl

Nuru Oil treatment with Lilly Bell - overexposed during intro and during cowgirl

i don't usually do this... - overexposed all the time

screwing out of school project - very bright ray of light is illuminating left side of Emma (but that is ok. Whole set looks good because of that). Problem starts when whe jump from dark intro, to bright left side illuminated standing missionary and back do the dark room. Also Face of Emma was too high during missionary and it was difficult to adjust it in setting. Which is frustrating for the longest time you guys were known for your perfect missionary shots. Now it is a game of chance.

Private Lesson - the part by the piano looked like an early Darkroomvr production. Above the head cold light overexposing Adria and casting shadows on her. And then we transition to a dungeon dark room where Adria looked like she was illuminated by phone camera flash light. Making her not lit enough and yet still partialy overexposed. She literally looked like someone was pointing a weak flashlight at her.

Your body wellness - overexposed during missionary

I can't answer for all of those scenes.

Sugar baby sweet talk - overexposed

GFE scarlett treat - as it was already shown with screenshots massively overexposed for the whole duration of the first part. Then the bedroom part was ok but again we experience a drastic change in color. Starting in white cold lighting of the living room and going to warm almost too orange light of the bedroom.

Raw Taboo: unusual trio - the same mistakes as in GFE Scarlett and yet pushed a little further to be even worse. Dark room and very overposed girls in the first part shot in the living room and again we change the setting to bedroom and with it you jump from one end of light scale to another. Living room being overexposed pale white and bedroom being orange. Neither looking natural.

All those above are mine and I am already aware of the issues and taking care of it from my side, I think I've mentioned it few times already in other threads. But again I really do appreciate taking time to point on those issues. Sorry guys I am too just don't have a lot of time spending on forum and going into each post in details and many times I just skim through them, sometime maybe missing some points and details. I leave to come back to it later. I do take it deeply serious but I guess I expect more of fan interaction vibes, I don't expect "customer service responsibilities' vibes. I am here to interact and I wish everybody to have a good time and have fun.
I am here always with the best intentions and expect the same from you. Thank you for understanding guys!

    This is some pretty bad lighting in this trailer, shadows and dark spots everywhere, sucking up all the details and making the whole picture extremely rough. And not only in one of the two rooms the scene takes place, but in both?! Come on...

    When I want to fuck girls in dim lighting so that I can hardly see any pussy I can have that in real life. In my porn I acutally want to see these beautiful girls in all their glory, genitals and tits etc. included.

    I was really looking forward to this scene, especially due to Madison and Chanel. Now not anymore actually... 😥

      Just want to point out that so far, almost everything in this thread is production feedback (ie lighting on set, camera positions, etc), and not post-production feedback (ie editing, color treatments, etc).

      So either this entire conversation got off to the wrong start or @justsomedude101 should probably rename the topic accordingly.

        justsomedude101 changed the title to Production & Post-production Feedback .

        I for one like some of the darker looking scenes. I know a lot of people on here get mad if it isn't lite perfectly without any shadows. I like the mood of darker scenes because again for me it feels more like IRL = immersion.

          • [deleted]

          • Edited

          rerun119 I disagree, personally I find that darker looking scenes and shadows are the worst. I once subscribed to "DarkRoomVR" and it was my worst VR experience ever. Light is so important in scenes, every detail of the actress's body should be clearly visible.

          But, I have an idea for you. If your VR headset has a passthrough feature, you can try out any passthrough scene (I recommend Xxlayna's scene). Turn off the light in your room or reduce it, maybe use a couple of night lights or candles, and play around with the settings to adjust how bright the actress's body. This will make the scene feel as close as possible to what you're looking for. Have fun 😉

            [deleted] darker looking scenes are a refreshing change from the usual. harder to pull off but they can be great when done well. darkroomvr has a few good ones with sufficient light but most of the time they have same problem where the girl is covered in shadows and everything is left up to your imagination.. which is bad because vr is primarily about the visuals.

            i think the key to making darker scenes work is to have a dimly lit room with directional lights aimed at the girl from the right angles and with the right intensity so that there are no shadows on the girl... while the room as a whole remains dimly lit.

              spacepirate i think the key to making darker scenes work is to have a dimly lit room with directional lights aimed at the girl from the right angles and with the right intensity so that there are no shadows on the girl... while the room as a whole remains dimly lit.

              This, exactly. Shadows everywhere is not helpful, but keeping the room darrk while lighting only the girl makes the detail and resolution just POP right out (also fewer pixels to deal with, similar to the way trees waving in the breeze in outdoor shots reduces sharpness on the girl).

              The latest Raw Taboo: Mean Sis was an almost-nashterpiece. The scene and the trio were off the charts in terms of hotness. Madison played her innocent role very well, April was hot and sexy as usual. Chanel was standout as "bully". I wish there's a bit more build up to the scene, but their dirty talk made the taboo-ness of the story was probably one of the most naughty and "non-unrealistic" in the whole site, "you shouldn't be doing this...". The ending was a classic SLRO spectacle.

              I echo the comments above - the reason why this isn't a Nashterpiece for me is that the lighting was unfortuately quite poor, especially the ending CG portion. The contrast was way too harsh from the beginning and wasn't improved much by decreasing the contrast from the player app. So a lot of detail was gone in the shadowy parts(even during the ending creampie).

              This scene deserves a better-lit sequel with Chanel, April and Madison (all of them or at least Madison and Chanel reprising their roles as sisters) coming back, perhaps with "mom"...

                @Evan_Redstar @doublevr @alexnash

                Customer feedback for https://www.sexlikereal.com/scenes/raw-taboo-mean-sis-33593

                I couldn't say it any better myself so I thought I just share this brutally honest feedback with you with almost zero commentary.

                All I want to say is: Please fix this ASAP!

                It's such a tragedy if amazing casting and actually pretty good directing is dragged own by technical and production issues like bad camera distance, bad scaling and bad lighting...


                  Damn Crash, I made an account to express my issues with this scene on this forum only to find you already quoted me. Thats kinda hilarious.

                  Its just bizarre that you guys are shooting these great ladies and the scenes are practically unwatchable and marred with glaring technical issues that shouldn't be present. I've seen lower budgeted sites do a better job than you have been doing lately. I am really almost at a point where im just gonna cancel my account.

                  LordCrash nothing is ignored. there is a lengthy internal debate on the matter I have yet to check. Otherwise we are greatly understaffed for current operation and we simply need more manpower to get things running.

                  We do our best and hope it's going to work. Will follow up soon

                    doublevr Alright, thanks for the reply.

                    It's good to know that there is an internal discussion about this and that you're willing to optimize and improve. Looking forward to see thsese improvements implemented once the team is ready.

                    LordCrash Sorry for that. Indeed, there are many discussions on the subject of scaling within the company. This video is already being edited.

                    Hi hi,
                    I wanted to give some insight regarding the one person's comment about Grey Clouds Crystal Shop being over exposed.
                    Here are some BTS photos with a look at the histogram during cowgirl:

                    We do color checks & tests before getting into the "action" of each position. Goal is to keep as much of the color spectrum in the horizontal middle of the waveform, which we did (bottom left corner of iPad).


                    Here's a look as false colors from the Lindsay Lee scene, which we again check before and during a shoot. Yellow is the max limit I want to hit as it's enough data to pull down in post but on the verge of clipping (red) for which there is no data/details.

                    Shooting very pale girls has challenges because you want to have good exposure on the person while not dropping down your key & fill too much as you then drop down the ambient lighting which starts to get digital noise; not sure about the noise reduction pipeline at SLR editing, but in my experience noise reduction is some of the most intense rendering, taking at times over 24hrs to render. This is why we do our best to address issues in "pre" and make decisions that provide options for post-production to work with in color grading as they have far more tools than we do in-camera.

                    Once we shoot the SLRO content, we hand it over to SLR and their team edits it. Again, there are a plethora of color grading tools that post-production has at their disposal, allowing one to pull down highlights , balance mids, and bring up details in the low without being destructive. Also you can headset preview in Adobe Premiere Pro, something we can't do with the K2 Pro while filming, allowing post to color grade & see the results in real time (that's how I used to edit stuff on the VR Fan Service Channel)

                    Having the experience of building rigs in the early days as well as editing both stereo & linear with the rudimentary tools of the past to the latest techniques available today, helps us understand the challenges of post-production and provide SLR with the best "ingredients" to cook with; at that point it's out of our hands ฅ•ﻌ•

                    TLDR: What we shoot in-camera is not the same as what's "shipped", just like any other type of filmmaking.