Mutiny However:
"The quality of your Bic Mac has fallen off since you started selling Mc Eggrolls, Mc Sushi, Mc Blubber Nuggets, Bubble tea, Mc BBQ, Mc Spaghetti, Mc Pizza, Mc VeganBurgers, McFajitas, and McDoughnuts. Now you have 100 middling products and the 3 good ones I loved you for are poorly made or out of stock. Please stop trying to be everything to every customer and go back to what made you the best"
is a useful and valid comment card.
It is one that has been levelled at SLR ad infinitum for the past 18 months or so, only to fall on deaf ears (and certainly not only by me). It also is a direct result of not caring if your customers are displeased, because that one guy said he liked it.
Your earlier example ignores that McDonalds always had buns. Imagine that they started replacing buns with lettuce wraps, large crackers, or rice patties or whatever. Not only that, sometimes when you went to your local McD, you couldn't even GET a bun, only the new trendy choices. How do those comment cards look now? Polite? Or annoyed?
But hey - don't complain. Someone out there likes their Bic Mac on rice crackers. And if that means that you cant get the burger that you like anymore, suck it up.
Or ... stop going to McD. But whatever you do, don't tell McD that you don't like the direction they are heading. No business would want to know that, right? They'd rather that you just silently leave. I mean, if they wanted to know, you'd have industires around market research! Imagine that.
I'm not trying to be too snarky, but even the "leave SLR" answer is shitty for me. SLR pretty much has cornered ther market on scripts and scripters, which are essential for me. I dont even watch porn without it. So for me, it's SLR or nothing. Therefor, I am pretty invested in the direction they take.