i have cam girl and only fan chicks make me 3 min clips
its all you need
another thread is up about the same type of thing
i take it you can see what the best part of the clips are? 99 percent is all filler.
i am approaching a 100 uses on a taken down clip...95 percent of it on the last sex scene that lasts about 90 seconds. now you wouldn't be able to tell what the SELLING point of that scene is though.
again...WE need tipping on the clips where money can go to the producers/makers of these things....need to reward them and drive the point home about what is working and what is not...being the HOUSE? you get a cut of the it would be in best interest to get it going and it would be another REV source for the makers...maybe keep them longer? maybe get new ones?
you have my email...maybe use it 🙂