Rakly3 well, despite many upset people asking, the team has not explained why we as good paying customers continue to get less of what we signed up for. So it leaves the canvas open to try to guess ourselves.
In general I do stream, but like most others that have spoken up, I still prefer to download a 15-25GB file with decent bitrate to play off my NAS… and it sucks to suddenly be told there’s now a ration on that, and then a month or two later, a stricter ration.
Like I said SLR is in its rights to enforce whichever heavy handed policies it likes, ignore feedback, double and triple down. Just don’t be surprised when there’s very little feeling of good will coming in return and you start losing customers who speak poorly of you on the other forums.

obviously this post from yesterday is folks complaining about 190-gate vs. download-gate, but it still illustrates how this company is generally seen from the outside and discussed within other forums. With all the hiring y’all are doing you should consider taking on a good customer service/PR coach and listen to that persons advice.