bboy7895 I let you know for sure when I have a good amount of time with it and experienced all of its pros and cons. And rest assured, if it's good I'll tell you why it's good, and if it's garbage, I'll tell you why too.
But, let me tell you this up front, why it took more time to deliver to me, because I did many researches about it:
1- This headset ships with either a Plastic OR Glass lenses. And the Glass ones despite they are heavier, they are super clear compared to Plastic ones.
2- It's also shipped with either a fiber optic cable OR a regular one. And the fiber cable is lighter and more stable compared to the regular one.
Before I ordered it, I contacted Pimax and wanted guarantees that they ship to me, one with Glass lenses and a fiber optic cable, After many back and forward emails. They secured one for me with what I want, BUT with extra $50 to pay, which I did, although I didn't like it. BUT I don't have any other option, they know that and I know that. So, yeah, such is life...
Yes, the Pimax Crystal Light passthrough mode is black and white similar to Quest 2 as I read, but this is not a mixed reality headset you know, it's just a pure VR goodness which I personally prefer in ALL the XR umbrella (AR/MR/VR) as AR and MR didn't impress me at all, Including the PT Videos, so I personally don't care about them. If you do, you HAVE to keep your Quest 3 for that.
Until then, I'll post my unbiased experience with it and you'll decide by yourself 🙂
Respectfully and best regards!