netcat performed the test, didnt have a video call but I streamed a high bitrate video the whole time
------- Wed Sep 18 2024 18:36:25 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) ------
Total packets Sent: 11392, Received: 11392
Call Quality Estimation:
Overall estimated call quality score based on round trip delay, jitter and packet loss rate.
4.5: Excellent (Imperceptible)
4.0: Good (Perceptible but not annoying)
3.0: Fair (Slightly annoying)
2.0: Poor (Annoying)
1.0: Bad (Very Annoying)
Your Results: Average Score: 4.39, Minimum Score: 4.39,
Packet Loss Rate(%):
Packet loss happens when a packet does not arrive, arrives out of order, or arrives too late.
10.0: Might cause frozen video and broken audio.
= 2.0: Might cause low video fps, and audio quality might be affected.
< 2.0: Video/Audio quality will not be affected.
Your Results: Average Loss(%): 0.00, Highest Loss(%): 0.00,
Average Round Trip Time(ms):
Time it took to send a packet to server then receive it back.
300: Might cause unnatural delays in an audio conversation and disconnect between audio and video.
Your Results: Average Delay(ms): 20.1, Max Delay(ms): 23.0,
Average Jitter(ms):
Inconsistent arrival of packets between two endpoints.
50: Might cause certain packets of information to drop or sent out of order, leading to a jumbled conversation.
Your Results: Average Jitter(ms): 1.64, Max Jitter(ms): 7.00,
General Statistics:
Packets Sent: 11359, Packets Received: 11358,
Bytes Received: 1636108, Bytes Sent: 1636251,
Local Candidate(s): , Local Candidate(s): , Local Candidate(s):, Local Candidate(s):, Server Candidate(s):, Server Candidate(s):, Local Candidate(s): , Local Candidate(s): ,