Was watching sum original alpha, bro I still think ai pt will not be as sharp on the edges as alpha production. I hope it will but I don't see it.
Either way. I enjoy em both. 👍
Oh and just to report back feedback, I saw a comment describing ai pt like a cut out magazine paper. When you cut around people body to use for a project. 🤦♂️
If someone sees it like that, it needs sum tweaking to make it better.
To pt 🥂
Oh and get you one of them open meta facial guards, I love this bro! It's great for pt and non pt.
It's like you standing in your room, but there's a open portal on one half on your environment. And your full body in view.
It's crazy good, and the level of freely walking around with it on is great!
Bro, I was watching this walking video, and I could walk easily to it because it's open and I can see my floor and my sides. And o have pt off.
I don't even need pt on unless I'm using slr pt 😏
But it's great, if you not anal about your "immersion" check it out.
And my headset feel lighter.
Get out the darkness 📣
And I've noticed sweat drys up fast on this fabric that came with it. You can add your own if you have vrcover or amvr face cushions. But it comes with two, one thin one thicker. I prefer the thicker. And they manage to get the facegaurd cushion on there perfectly. It's a perfect fit.
But check it, 35$ buy it use for a day or two, if not for you, return it. 👍
But you have to see this!