• SLR vision and logic

I'm a subscriber too, and I'm happy to see a portion of their production being used to make high quality videos for some of the genres besides "Teen Girls". There are literally tons of those coming out monthly.

Transgirls, Mature/MILF, BBW, etc, are huge markets in the porn industry and have a lot of fans. Just because you personally don't care for them doesn't mean that no one else does. If SLR wants to be the biggest site for the whole VR market its a good idea to provide quality content for these fans as well.

    Aerowen this is what makes good JAV stuff really special. They use this camera angle where the girl is on top, but the camera is up in the air a bit (almost like your seated but not as close as usual seated cowgirl) and you can see their face looking at the camera while also having the whole body in shot.

    BML5768 That's all fine - just stop diluting the core brand I subscribed to. For the life of me, I cannot understand why people don't get that changing the product your customers have paid for AFTER they've paid for it is a bad idea (so much so that we have terms for it, like bait and switch). If I subscribed for 3 Nash-style releases from SLRO every week, and then SLR still releases 3 SLRO vids a week, but they consist of 1 SLR Trans, 1 SLR Passthrough, and 1 SLR JAV, it shouldn't take a genius to see that I didn't get what I paid for that week. All the comments noting how many "mainstream" or "teen-girls" videos already exist are irrelevant - I am paying SLR to deliver the content they promised when I subscribed, not to change their path to every shiny new thing in the name of diversity while ignoring, diluting, or degrading what I paid for.

    Multiple subscribers have been making this point, and I have yet to see it addressed fairly, without obfuscation.

      Will65 Non-POV VR is still VR though. It's not placed in the real world, it's still a virtual fantasy - it's just a fantasy some people don't like but that pretty much true for any fantasy. POV and Non-POV porn can even exist in the same scene, it's e.g. true for every MMF+ scene. Nothing spectacular about that.

      Watching other people having sex can be pretty hot, actually people have done so dozens of years to get horny before VR was even invented... 🤣

        Will65 SLR still releases 3 SLRO vids a week, but they consist of 1 SLR Trans, 1 SLR Passthrough, and 1 SLR JAV

        If you're going to make an argument be honest about it. SLR has released 1 Trans video in the last 2 years, 3 JAV videos total, 0 grannies, 0 midgets, and 0 amputees. SLR has acknowledged the issues with their passthrough scenes and is correcting them for the future. The specialty genre releases are by far a minority of the scenes being produced.

        These niche videos are being produced because subscribers, like me and many many others, are asking for them. There are a lot of us paying subscribers who want our money going into producing these videos and not just what you want. Also, these categories are not "shiny new things" but are huge markets in the adult film industry that have been popular for a long long time. They just haven't been served well yet in the VR space.

        I truly get that they are not what you personally like, but it's kind of delusional that you would think that every video should cater to your personal tastes. I'm a Netflix subscriber and every time Netflix releases a movie or show I don't like, I don't go over to their forum and start raging about them wasting my money and threatening to unsubscribe. I understand that other people probably love those things that I may not, and they are paying subscribers too.

          BML5768 these categories are not "shiny new things" but are huge markets in the adult film industry that have been popular for a long long time.

          trans isnt huge

            spacepirate Obviously "huge" is a relative term, but this got me curious so I did some digging. It's much bigger than I realized.

            Trans porn is now one of the most popular categories on Pornhub.

            According to the annual Pornhub Year in Review report, the platform's "transgender" category experienced a huge boost in searches over the past 12 months, growing by over 75% to become the 7th most popular section in the world.

            Source: https://www.papermag.com/trans-porn-pornhub-2022-2658991934.html

              There is little paid trans stuff out there so people look for it on pornhub. Nothing special about it. Also nobody searches for "straight" porn, people search for various categories or even single pornstars within the whole world of straight porn.

              Search terms on pornhub have actually little to no significance at all without further context. That's typical bullshit bingo with statistics.

              BML5768 It really irritates me when I make an analogy and people dispute it literally.

              Regardless, those 3 JAV videos and 4 Passthrough videos have taken up slots from the SLR Originals release schedule that I signed up for. I'm sure that they have their fans, but especially in the case of JAV - there are other sites for that. I didn't subscribe to those other sites because I don't want that content. If you want that content, you are also free to subscribe to those sites. I subscibed to THIS SITE on the basis of the promised release schedule of the content, production quality, and style at the time I subscribed. You are also free to do that on sites that provide content you enjoy. Do you see me on the JAV site forums arguing that they really need more American teens, MILFs, and non-POV stuff? Of course not - that isnt what they do, and it isn't what they sold their customers. Similarly, If I subscibe to the Wall Street Journal, I'd be pretty annoyed if they started sending me comics, graphic novels, and poetry - and then had their new producer tell me that the problem is that I just haven't seen those mediums done right.

              I think there is a HUGE disconnect between the customers who subscribed to SLR for the Netfix-style variety and low-quality studios with niche appeal, and the customers who subscribed to SLR for the high-quality, high-production value, GFE, intimate POV Nash-style SLRO studio they were producing a year or two ago. The argument isn't that SLR shouldn't do the other stuff you want, but that they are neglecting and replacing the stuff that the SLRO subscribers want at the same time. Its not an addition to their lineup, its coming at the expense of the thing I subscribed to. As in the example of Netflix, lots of people subbed to Netflix in the early days because they got high quality releases and series. I have a lot of streaming services now, and I can't even remeber the last time I watched Netflix. Why? They watered down their brand with dreck, and let the good quality content go. If they kept good quality stuff, but added dreck, I'd still be watching and just avoiding the dreck. But when the other stuff REPLACES what you signed up for? Then we quit.

              To be fair, the change is subtle, and the numbers you quote are correct. But the point has been made ad infinitum about the declining quality of SLRO - warehouses, bad rigs, snarky responses to feedback, new directors trying out their "vision", etc etc etc. People who subbed for quality SLRO are about out of patience.

                Mutiny According to the annual Pornhub Year in Review report, the platform's "transgender" category experienced a huge boost in searches over the past 12 months, growing by over 75%

                This means nothing without the base rate, whih was not included. If 10 percent of users search for trans porn, and that increases by 75%, it means that 17.5 percent of people now search for trans porn.

                When I signed up SLR Originals produced one video a week. Now its 3-4, soon to be 5 or more according to recent announcements, with one of them (on average) being for a specialty genre. I think that's a very fair balance and I think its absurd that you think it unreasonable that other peoples money goes into producing something they want too.
                Also, unless you are a very recent subscriber, SLR had been releasing 2 videos per week. So one a week shouldn't take away anything you signed up for.

                "This means nothing without the base rate, whih was not included. If 10 percent of users search for trans porn, and that increases by 75%, it means that 17.5 percent of people now search for trans porn."

                If you read the report its not just searches, its one of the top most viewed categories and its rapidly growing.

                  BML5768 I did read the report. It said it was the 7th most watched category, with no percentage to quantify that.

                  The rest of my post seems to have gone over your head.


                  If you read the report its not just searches, its one of the top most viewed categories and its rapidly growing.

                  If it's one of the most viewed categories, why is it so low in "most searched for terms"

                  Going by the logic it's probably because straight porn have million of categories while trans is category by itself.

                  Edit: And i was right, there is hundred categories for straight porn on pornhub, white there is only one category for trans.

                    LordCrash hey, I’d still take all those cheesy porn staples like poolboy, pizza delivery boy, cable guy etc over the whole fuck your own girlfriend with no story scenes.

                    mirdumar If it's one of the most viewed categories, why is it so low in "most searched for terms"

                    From the report... Literally in the first section.

                    The Searches that Defined 2022

                    1. Gender
                      The Transgender category grew by +75% to become the 7th most popular category worldwide. Transgender was the #1 most viewed category in Brazil, and 3rd most popular in the United States and Italy.

                      Take a look on categories on pornhub, there is a hundred categories for straight porn, while there is only one category for trans, so logically even if it's top viewed category, that still means low single digit percentage.

                      Will65 was SLR not always a Netflix style site with lots of content from other studios? I’ve probably been here for 18 months and it’s always been a site with a huge library of content in that time. I’m guessing that is what most people sign up for (everything under one roof) rather than the very specific thing you mentioned.

                      As with all things, doing the same type of scenes over and over won’t get you any new subscribers and grow the site. The balance you have to tread is how to attract new people without losing those you already have. If they’re now doing 20 scenes a month, they should be able to mix things up a bit and still release the 3 or 4 scenes a month you want as well as some stuff other people want.

                      By mix things up though, I don’t mean doing the same vanilla stuff with the same girls just in different formats (passthrough, non-POV). I mean mix up the storylines, mix up the sex acts, mix up the intensity levels, mix up the type of models you shoot with. Let’s have some big tit pornstar types as well as all the flat chested girl next door teen looking models.

                        doublevr wait so this “landmark production call” consisted of

                        “are there any ideas about anything we change in order to improve?”


                        “Ok, carry on as you were”