justsomedude101 That's it. That's literally all there is to it, and is a major reason why hundreds of foreign companies are likewise pulling their business out of Russia however they are able to.
I think in this situation there are neither perfect answers nor perfect solutions.
And certainly no solutions that don't hurt anyone.
If you don't want to risk a third world war, sanctions are imho the only option.
And sanctions always affect ordinary people.
Is that sad? Of course it is!
And of course it would be nice to hit only Putin and a few rich people in Russia. But that is pure wishful thinking!
But now to those we are talking about.... the VR cam girls who work in Russia.
Even before the war they had to work in a semi-criminal and unsafe environment. I don't even want to comment on the methods of the studios there.
But strangely enough, almost no one here was particularly interested in this...
Furthermore, they do have alternatives... it's just that they don't have the VR bonus anymore.
As i said in another comment... they will not starve, they will just have less money!