svanir "Why would I care how VR porn is perceived?"
Because that drives away potential new viewers of it, who are only presented with one option.
This reminds me of 360 videos, when VR videos first started the majority were 360 because of the simulation ideal, it HAD TO BE 360 "Because that's all VR is about"...
Anyways don't wanna get lost in that, you might not care, but the way outsiders perceive VR porn is keeping a lot of them away from it... And so it affects you with having less videos and options, that's all.
To give you an idea, there's currently over 7 million active VR users, and the Top video of the month on SLR has 51k views...
I do not believe one second that out of 7 million only 51k watch porn...
Considering around half of the population watches porn...
Lets say out of 7mil VR users, 2mil watched porn this week.
Out of 2mil, let's say 200k watched VR porn...
The other 1.8mil, watched regular porn.
My crazy assumption is that those 1.8mil, who watched regular porn... Well, they just want to watch porn. They don't want to pretend to have virtual sex , they just want to watch... And I'm not saying , if you watch POV porn you have to do that, I'm saying that's how it is perceived.
Those 1.8mil weekly VR owner porn watchers, know that VR Porn is a thing, but they aren't interested... Why, it's open for guesses, and this is my guess.