shankpot12 NoI understand your perspective. I guess what Im getting at is you say for you 10 or 15 videos is good for a month. The user amount is kinda subjective, but lets say 15 videos for a month. Thats you. And every single one of those 15 videos is going to be a winner for you? Do you see what I mean? I personally dont want to have to force them to be good cause I ran out of credits.
shankpot12 β¦ recycling videos is a pain in the ass. It takes forever.
It doesnt have to be. Just have a daily cap of 10 or 15 credits, or do unlimited as most people probably wont be using much anyway, if what you are saing is really the average person. And if you have 10 or 15 videos uploaded and you dont want to mess around for a month, have at it. I want the option to mess with it daily cause thats me. A daily cap makes more sense, I dare say even more than unlimited monthly
The storage is only to render videos, thats all we care about drive for. If the bottleneck is cloud storage space, well we all have hard drives on our computers or laptops and expandable storage is dirt cheap. 500gig hdd refirbished just for backup videos like $15 on amazon. Id rather keep the cost down and put it towards credits. Rendering in passthrough and scripts with AI is legit all we are here for. Everybody and their brother is selling cloud storage for dirt cheap.