fenderwq Yes, although Canon RF 5.2mm is not the best to work with, but it was a big deal in its time because of its use of a single sensor that can provide 8K @60FPS with very high bitrate.
VR Porn Studios in particular, was using 2 different cameras at that time to achieve high resolutions of 7K+
The high resolution single sensor in the Canon RF 5.2mm simplified the process of capturing 8K stereoscopic videos, as both sides now have perfectly matched alignment, color grading, brightness and focus. Unlike when using 2 different cameras.
Example, watch some trailers of VirtualTaboo Studio released in 2021-2022 and you'll notice these issues, especially the blurry left or right side of the stereoscopic video (difference in focus which will give you an awful left or right eyestrain) because of their use of 2 different cameras to reach higher resolution.
The biggest issue with Canon RF 5.2mm was its fixed lens IPD distance or more accurately IAD (Inter Axial Distance) @60mm which results in characters and objects looked larger than real life scale.
As you know, when the VR Camera IAD is more than 64mm, characters and objects will look smaller than real life scale (hyperstereo).
And if the VR Camera IAD is less than 64mm, characters and objects will look larger than real life scale (hypostereo).
Anyway, Blackmagic URSA Cine Immersive is a big deal in the VR world, especially with its perfectly calibrated dual 8K sensors @90FPS. It's a real milestone. This is why you see many Studios are extremely happy about it like SLR.
Its size is reasonable with all the packed tech and storage in addition to power consumption (its power supply alone is freaking 250W) which needs the best heat dissipation possible, also, to be more rugged for harsh environments, especially the industrial/ hot ones. Hopefully it can be suitable and easy to use/ handle for POV VR Porn as well.
Best Regards.