fenderwq BTW it doesn't mean I don't believe it's too small for you I just doubt if it is so for most people.
It's not too small, it's too big. I would believe it is too big over too small for most people. I have seen lots of comments about too big and very rarely about too small. That goes for all studios that people complain about scaling. If you think that it looks correct then you are a lucky man because I find a lot of studios are too big on scale.
I would also say for me being too big is a worse problem than small because when it's too big it is also too far away. So to fix it you have to zoom to get the right distance which just makes the girl bigger or zoom out for scale which just makes it further away. I have given up on trying to even watch these scenes with DEO. With Heresphere I agree that it can almost fix most problems. I just don't want to download all these videos.
I am back to the a new Pimax 8kx. I was watching these scenes we are talking about with the quest3. To me they look the same as far as scaling wise.
Side note to everybody. My quest 3 melted at the point where you plug it in. I'm lucky that something didn't catch on fire. The HDMI cable melted too. I'm guessing the cable it cheap from china. Not the one that came with the quest. I think the cable got too hot and melted it and the where you plug it in.