Hello. It has been 24 hours since this post, you temporarily banned Xipernosky for 1 day. I have created this explicitly temporary account for the sole purpose of alerting you that the time period has passed, and that Xipernoskys ban on their account says indefinite, I understand you are busy and thus may have forgotten. There is otherwise no other way to contact you to ameliorate this accidental permanent ban. I will delete this post and account (if possible) after this has been addressed. Finally so as to not violate ToS my partner is the one who is posting this on behalf of Xipernosky, as a separate person they are allowed to make an account and thus this is not “evading the ban”, or making a second account. Thanks, and it should be noted Xipernosky will endeavor to not belabor the point with the moderator in back and forth exchanges so as to prevent another ban for argumentation.