petermc It doesn't become really clear from the first diagram what has been measured. It says 'number of users' and the form of the curve looks like it is based on weekly data points. But when do you become a PT user? Does peeking into one of the SLR AR videos for 30 sec with PT switched off already make you a PT user for that week?
I am excited to see the future development now that the number of videos with AI PT is growing day by day. Since the AI PT mask is not embedded in the video, it will likely be possible to measure views and view time of regular VR scenes with AI PT on or off.
Speaking only for myself, I think AI PT is the real game changer. For anyone open to the PT concept as whole, there is so much to re-explore now. And if a scene doesn't work, just skip to the next one. For me this is much more exciting than the one or two weekly AR scenes and I already started spending a significant share of my daily VR porn time checking out the new AI PT relases.