For some reason, logic flies out the window when both sides (for and against) post here.
alkory See swallowboy is leaving
This studio was not getting crazy engagement from what i remember, Also the they shoot like every 2weeks to 20days judging from their site. So i think its more a business choices to not have a studio thats dying on their site. Also if you point to this as proof of the site declining or dying. You have to point to new studios that get added like porncorn, vrspy, forbidden vr as signs of growth no? I think this is just frustration argument rather than one out of merit.
alkory Realjamvr was releasing videos almost same day, now it's months after
You have no idea why this is, maybe realjam as a business want to head in a direction where they funnel customers straight to their site rather than via SLR. Maybe they wish to expand and be a key player in VR instead of an attachment to SLR. All these are potential options. But the truth is you or i don't know. So you shouldn't assume.
alkory But they think Simsense and PT is da best and will be enough $$$ for them to survive and crush the competition.
In the same way ive seen PT fans make odd arguments, I think this is also an odd one to make, just a borderline conspiracy brained argument.
alkory why do you think they are "resetting Originals production" if everything is 100% fine and all good?
I don't think SLR have ever claimed everything is perfect, nor do I think they are on a sinking ship. however, businesses regroup and assess their plans all the time. This isn't unique, even thriving businesses adapt and assess their practices. So this is nothing but a positive. So odd you would use this as a negative.
But ye lol , you super fans of PT and anti-fans have some very odd ways of viewing things and one another's arguments lol