petergriff This is why you never ever buy lifetime. By design it means they're no longer obligated to serve you.
Except for users for whom it makes financial sense, since it pays for itself in just about 3 years vs an annual recurring subscription (and in even less time vs a monthly subscription).
petergriff Remember when they asked for scenarios from everyone and then the only one that got approved was "do the harem thing you've already done a bunch but with different girls this time"?
Fair, we could be better about that.
petergriff None of these companies actually want your feedback unless it aligns with what they've already decided.
Do you mean like all the user suggestions on castings that we've totally ignored by booking the performers and releasing scenes with them?
Or do you mean more like the Fair Use counter that folks requested that totally hasn't been added?
Or the Request Script button that the community wanted that will surely never become a reality.
Or the Alpha Passthrough that definitely does NOT exist but was requested by non-Passthrough users who don't like the greenscreen.
Or any one of the other hundreds of requests for the app/performers/content made that we've completely ignored by...making it happen, I guess?
But you're right - there will always be suggestions that we actually do not make happen, for any number of reasons. So shame on us I suppose...
petergriff They're going to do what they want. As demonstrated, they see the "99%" of the user base as satisfied and we're just the hardcore user base that will never be happy with anything. There's never going to be that magical moment where the people in charge go "oh yeah, we were totally wrong". That's not how these tech companies operate. They'll let it burn to the ground before that happens. Look at Twitter. Reddit is in the middle of its own shitshow now as well.
This is because there is absolutely no way, under any circumstances, that 100% of users will be happy all the time. There is far, FAR too wide a variety in preference from user-to-user when it comes to performers, scene plots, positions used, camera angles, male performers, action type, length of scene, visual quality, locations used, etc. etc. etc. to ever come even close to a 100% satisfaction rate. If that's the expectation, you may need to reconsider your hopes. If we kept 99% of users happy we would all be ecstatic.