Rakly3 Skipped strokes is usually not the issue in the AI script (except for one part, I'll mention it later). It's the stroke range and I can say the cap is definitely too restrictive and as the handy can handle much more than that. Just compare some of the funscript heatmaps below of some good SLR scripts that feature similar intense parts as back in to your arms. They are way more intense and play perfectly fine. Also Notice how the range is often maxed to the bottom (which makes sense if a girl slaps into you).
For reference, back in your arms:

Screwing out of school (https://www.sexlikereal.com/scenes/screwing-out-of-school-project-32655) (especially notice the difference in the fast parts of the standing position)

Resting roommates (https://www.sexlikereal.com/scenes/resting-roommates-22501)

So I took another look and made some notes for you and added some semi rough timestamps. This is not everything but I think it brings the point across:
- 06:04 - The AI only seems to track up and down movements, blowjob segment was good overall though
- 18:12 - The guy is fucking her hard and the intensity (stroke range) is way too limited
- 24:24 - Maximum pounding but barely any stimulation in the script is (it's actually yellow)
- 25:16 - No visible up and down movement but griding so too little intensity (might also be a perspective thing)
- 25:35 - Visible movement here with low intensity so it's okay
- 32:37 - Doggy works well since it's a slow part and good visibility
- 38:46 - Skipped strokes, intensity way too low (perspective issue for the AI?)
- 39:32 - Even better example as the above. One of the worst parts.
- 42:56 - Jerk of finish, stroke range too low and at the bottom instead of top
So, to summarize some parts are good. Mostly the parts that are slow and clearly visible and in the right perspective. Fast parts and especially those that are less visible and in different perspective struggle to get a good result. Now I get that perspective and the obstruction of view can be difficult but the range should at least be limited way less.
Also, I don't know if you already do this and don't want to tell you how to do things but if I might make a suggestion: It might be a good idea to make a movie that has various common positions in different intensities (especially with the parts the AI struggles with) from movies that are scripted by someone like Realcumber. Than each time you iterate the AI you could just analyze this movie and compare the AI output with the manual script. Like with some test automation script that checks stroke range and intensity and visually using the heatmaps. The reason for me to mention this is that I think it is pretty obvious that there is something going on with the intensity by just by looking at the heatmap. For instance it's very rare for a funscript to only have 3 slightly orange parts and I think it has never been the case for a manual script made for an SLR Original.
Anyways, hope that this will help you crack the AI funscript thing!