Will65 Comments suggesting I should just appreciate the performance of the model and be grateful for it are misguided.
At no point did I suggest this. I suggested you watch something else.
Will65 If I contract with you to paint my house
Unlike in your flawed metaphor here, you are not the only customer on SLR.
Will65 You are saying that if you make 100 of something, you only care if 1 person likes it?
No, I'm saying that if one person (you) doesn't like a thing and one person does (someone else), that's still a success. Though the reality here is thousands of people like it, and a handful don't. It's just that the handful are really fuckin' loud about it.
Will65 the majority of users on his site
The majority of users on the comment thread that launched this whole discussion told you what they thought of your opinion. That's also data.
Yes. Among many other things, it often is a business. And a business doesn't change its strategy because a tiny minority happens to screech.
I've asked you multiple times in this thread alone what you actually do like. I still have no idea.
There are many people here with whom I disagree on a lot, but you are the only person in this entire ecosystem for whom I literally cringe when your username pops up. Of the scores, possibly hundreds, of comments I've read from you, I remember maybe 3 that weren't aggressive whining. (Not to be mean.)
I'm just tired of it, man.
I want you to be happy. Truly I do.
But at this point I want you to know β and I mean this from the bottom of my heart β I sincerely consider you an acceptable loss.
Let's just ignore each other and live out our short lives on this planet a little happier for it.
I'm done.