doublevr I really, really, really, REALLY don't think that you should tie scripting priority to watch time statistics. There are a lot of subscribers who don't bother to watch scenes unless and until they have a script - unless it is ultra-top tier talent, and then we may skim them to make sure they are shot well and script-friendly so that we can beg for a script in comments.
What would help is that REQUEST SCRIPT button we've been asking for (and promised) for ever. Then you'd know how many people actually want a script! Simple, right? Otherwise, you're basing scripting priority on watch statistics of people who may not even own an interactive toy. That would also be an intersting datamining task - look at the watch time of users who regularly have a toy connected, and see if they differ from people who do not. I'm willing to bet that toy users watch significantly more videos that have scripts than that do not have scripts (both overall watch time and number of repeats).
And no, the script rquest thread does not serve the same function. If you're going to be a leader in interactive porn, do it right.