Jacksonjdr94 Asking to be catered to 100% exclusively. And at the cost of other paying customers losing their favorite content isn't constructive criticism, it's entitled lunacy.
No, it's called normal business interaction in capitalism. I always want the most out of the money I spend on something. I honestly don't care whether your needs are fulfilled as well, that's none of my business. You're a stranger on the internet so why should I care about you? Wo don't live in socialism, dude.
Jacksonjdr94 Howcome you're not ok with other paying subscribers having a small amount of passthrough content on SLR?
No. Again, I don't care about you. I'm not ok with stuff being made with my money that I don't like. My opinion is about me, not about you. That's exactly the difference between us. I don't judge on you and the stuff you want or don't want. Your expectations and dreams and aspirations are none of my business.
Jacksonjdr94 This I agree with 100%. So why exactly are you trying to get content that you personally don't like removed/abandoned/exiled when you know plenty of others like it?
You're contradicting yourself big time here.
No, I really don't. I can live with others not liking the stuff I like. I don't judge on them or try to educate them or whatever. I advocate for the stuff I like and disklike and everyone else is free to do so themselves. That's called normal feedback. I'm in no way required to speak for everybody else, that's actually ridiculous. I do only care about myself and I know that this might be shocking for you, but 9.,999999% of the customers here feel and act the same. It's just normal behaviour. So yeah, you should get used to that and just stop judging on others, that's kind of pathetic.
Jacksonjdr94 You're trying to diminish the importance of other customers as somehow less than your own. Again, entitled lunacy.
No. I don't think in such categories, only you do. I give feedback about the stuff I like and maybe don't like. That has nothing to do with you and the stuff you like or dislike. I'm really baffled that this is so hard to understand and that you want to make everything other people say about themselves about yourself. You WANT to be offended by others who simply state what they want to see on SLR and what they rather don't want to see (but other stuff instead). THAT is entitled lunacy.
Jacksonjdr94 Aah yes, because offering the occasional cutting edge new and developmental AR passthrough scene which uses the exact same 3D HMD and associated hardware as all the other 3D HMD VR non-passthrough scenes on this site is totallllllllllllly the same as reverting 95% of content back to obsolete 2D scenes made for a television. Clever boy!
LOL, 2d is in no way obsolete and it won't ever be so. Still much more relevant than VR for very good reasons.
And maybe you don't know that but you can watch 2D porn in VR headsets. 4k POV scenes often even look better than a lot of VR porn scenes that way. Mind blown, I know...
Jacksonjdr94 They're offering this new thing you don't like entirely as an addition to the existing thing you have always known and loved.
You stil don't understand that they don't have the resourses to do so. Other fields suffer because of this. And even then, there are costs of opportunity. Because they make this stuff they can't make other stuff with the same resources. And yes, I don't like that, for totally selfish personal reasons. You can call me an asshole for wanting the most out of the money I pay but in reality you're just making stuff up about some fair world that doesn't exist.
Jacksonjdr94 Saying "I don't like this new additional content at all so therefore you should stop wasting time/resources/talent making it completely, and focus exclusively on content that I personally like. Fuck everyone else. They can go to another site" isn't contstructive criticism, it's pure negativity and entitlement.
No, it's perfectly valid customer feedback. Just because you don't personally like it because it's indeed directed against stuff you personally like doesn't make it entitled. There's actually nothing entitled about that. It's negative feedback though, that's correct. Which again, is totally fine.
Jacksonjdr94 And it isn't constructive, you're literally just shitting on other customers and their tastes, and suggesting SLR should abandon them entirely
You're trying to diminish the importance of other customers as somehow less than your ow
LOL, you're really into that fairness fairytale in which everybody just sits around the fireplace and singing songs together while holding hands, aren't you? This is ridiculous though since such a world doesn't exist. So YES, I don't care about you, I really don't. I care about the product they sell to me since I pay them money for it. It's a business transaction between me and them that I evaluate here. That you make your own business transaction with them is none of my business. We don't know each other, I don't care about you and you don't do anything for me so why should I give anything a miss, even just 1% or 0.1%, for you? Reality is that nobody out there gives a damn shit about me and my expectations either. I can try to raise my voice and tell the companies I have business with what I like or don't like and that's about it. No need to get personally attacked by that (like you obviously are since that is the whole reason you're here!), it's completely pointless.
Jacksonjdr94 How about maybe you could just be willing to let other paying SLR subscribers enjoy content X even if it isn't for you? Hmmmmm? Hmmmmmmmmm? Would that be so bad?