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  • Help SLR Originals nailing down the angles consistently

LordCrash People have different opinions, expectations, fantasies, perceptions. There is no way to make everyone happy with every scene, so simply allow different approaches and different ways of shooting stuf

What he said.

Philip I don't want that. I want a greater variety of positions, not one standard format. It gets boring. It would be nice to have the positions work better for immersion. To me, nothing breaks immersion more than a poorly shot scene of the woman coming in for a kiss and you can clearly see her kissing and tonguing air about 6 inches from where my face should be. I also wish directors would give us guys some credit, does a woman's fake moans and constant "oh that's sooooo big", etc. is a total turn off. Better they say nothing.

    mookiemeatball kissing and tonguing air about 6 inches from where my face should be

    I like the kissing up close as possible but kissing into the cam, cuz sometimes the model will kiss where about the mouth would be if the camera had a mouth,

    kiss into the cam 👍

    People have different opinions, expectations, fantasies, perceptions. There is no way to make everyone happy with every scene, so simply allow different approaches and different ways of shooting stuff

    Agree 100%. Different angles are good at different things. There is usually a trade-off between intimacy and showing off the body. The angles that are good at intimacy often zoom in the performer's faces and have them leaning in. However, this distorts the body or tucks the performer's legs away.

    This is why it's important to have longer videos that feature multiple angles in the same sex positions. People will be able to enjoy the scene no matter what their preference is.

    Personally, I like to appreciate the performer's bodies while also getting a clear view of their faces. So I like to see a mix of the angles below:

    1) Intimacy focus - Zoomed in on face

    2) Face & Upper body focus

    3) Leg & Body Focus

    1) Upper body & face focus

    2) Leg & body focus

      I love boobs in face , and close body to body positions like this:

      This one is one of the best vr movies ever btw.

      This is also one of my favourite movies. Many body to body positions.

      This is good.

      This is one of the best positions for me. I always save videos that have this position in a special playlist. I also love the similar standing position, but frontally. Unfortunately I couldn't find a screenshot from an SLR movie.

      And this is one of the best moments in VR movies ever. Boobs in face and the girls are spitting

      This movie is also full of amazing positions.

      This is perfect

      This thread is the perfect example of people's diverse preferences. Everybody's providing such different angles.

      You will alienate many users if you only offer a restricted set of angles. Shoot long videos featuring multiple angles in each sex position. Allow users to watch what we like. Please don't take options away from us.

        This thread is a perfect example how people read between lines. I'm not suggesting taking away any "angles" positions, just merely making those that producers shoot consistent across production in how they look

          Philip This thread is a perfect example how people read between lines. I'm not suggesting taking away any "angles" positions, just merely making those that producers shoot consistent across production in how they look

          There are positions and there are angles. You DO want to take away certain angles by making them "consitent". That's the whole point of this thread, isn't it?

          Consistent angles = only one angle for a certain position in the future

          Maybe you should just accept that not everybody is happy with this consistency idea in general.

            LordCrash not everybody is happy with this consistency idea in general.

            But isn’t this (which you wrote further up) a call for exactly some sort of consistency? 👇🏻

            LordCrash just copy everything CVR does. VR porn gold standard right there. It's that simple.

            before you go and lose your mind, I do agree with it 100% as I’m sure many others do.

              argyle43 But isn’t this (which you wrote further up) a call for exactly some sort of consistency? 👇🏻

              You left out the first part of my sentence which is imho pretty importance for its meaning...

              LordCrash If you had to standardize angles...

              I'd much prefer no standardization at all.

              Even if you feature multiple positions, you still need different angles. Angles that are good at intimacy are not good at showing off the body.

              Let's take the shot below as an example:

              This is a great sex position for featuring the body, but the close viewing angle is not suited for it. It's virtually impossible to look at the body and the face together.

              Here is the actual view from my VR headset (Quest 2):

              I'm forced to look at the face, the body OR one leg in isolation. I would much rather be able to see the body and the face at the same time.

              Please feature multiple angles, closer ones for intimacy and further ones for showing off the body.

                dango789 I will say that this also has to do with the headset you are using. I use to have an HTC vive and had to move my head around to see everything. I've had a Pimax 8kx for about 6 months now. You can see everything that you do IRL so you just have to move your eyes. I think this plays a part in the old camera new camera debate too. Just a thought one your screen shots.

                  rerun119 That's a great point! I'm using a Quest 2, which I gather to be one of the more common headsets.

                  It'd be awesome if we could have angles good for both intimacy and body that accommodate for the most common headsets.

                  The forward leaning CG in "Si, Mi Amor" was amazing (link below). Best i've seen. Eve Sweet's face was close to camera (near my face) and her tits and penetration were still in clear view (around the 29:40 mark). Very intimate and amazing visually. Wow!

                  Same great forward CG camera position on another recent SLR release, "Giving Her Comfort" with Valentina Nappi. (around the 28:28 & 37:10 mark). I hope a minute or two of this forward CG will be in every SLR release going forward.

                    I would prefer creativity over consistency. It also depends on the girl - you should try to catch her most interesting parts and those are not the same for every girl. Even the body size can require slightly different angles.


                    As an engineer who has designed many algorithms to cater to the VOC (voice of the customer). Best way to do this.... There should be certain angles/distances you avoid entirely (i.e either not realistic/immersive at all or distance is just too far or too close) and then a RANGE of acceptable distances. So each position essentially should have an acceptance range. Ill give a few general examples: For instance lean back cowgirl can be incredible when shot right or terrible when the girls face and body are too far back and get blurred/fuzzy. You also dont usually the girls head when she is riding the guy all the way at the tip top of the lense sight field . That kills immersion (unless its specifically for a short time for boob smothering/slapping and or to stare at her torso/belly while gyrating on your cock).

                    Another key to this: always keep in mind with each and every angle what is the purpose of that angle. For instance, If its intimacy you want to be able to have a close look into her eyes face. Having the ability to see all key parts of the body most of the time and feel like its totally realistic is critical (even if you might occasionally need to tilt up or down depending on position).

                    Also in that acceptance range is going to be really focused on (no pun intended) getting the camera angles /distances in positions that would be the same in real life in those positions. As others have attested, Doggy is a huge example of this one. When this is dead on you really feel like you are right in that position, when it isn't it feels a bit surreal and that you are not really in the scene.

                    Pussy close ups should have two ideal sets of viewing distances: 1. Where you get a perfect view of her beautiful snatch and then (not too close where you are going cross eyed) 2. One where you truly feel like you are tasting her. This can be mixed together too if the girl goes a bit back and forth within a specified range.

                    Missionary [one of my faves when done right] should also have 2 ideal sets of viewing distances. 1. The full view. This is where the actress is usually flat on her back and you get a fuller view of her body and can see your member going in and out of her pussy at a perfect viewing distance without too much tilting up and down. 2. The intimacy view. This is where usually the actress leans upward a bit and you can look/stare right into each others eyes as you go in and out of her. You usually would start with the fuller view and then move into intimacy view as it is more immersive that way.

                    As for leaning forward cowgirl user 1MM1 nailed it with his input (copied below):
                    The forward leaning CG in "Si, Mi Amor" was amazing (link below). Best i've seen. Eve Sweet's face was close to camera (near my face) and her tits and penetration were still in clear view (around the 29:40 mark). Very intimate and amazing visually. Wow!

                    Same great forward CG camera position on another recent SLR release, "Giving Her Comfort" with Valentina Nappi. (around the 28:28 & 37:10 mark). I hope a minute or two of this forward CG will be in every SLR release going forward.

                    Also another huge one. And I have seen more and more studios catch on to this... the straight up and down bouncing/riding on a cock if overdone gets boring quick. But gyrating/grinding on the cock in all cowgirl positions is a huge plus. Some girls are masterful at this as there are many ways to gyrate on that cock and when done right one can by hypnotized by a girls sensual /seductive movements while riding the guy. This is accentuated tenfold when the girl is at a realistic viewing distance from the actor.

                    ***As a last bonus suggestion and I know this isnt exactly an angle/distance optimization per se but man I think a HUGE game changer in customer experience with the handy would be greatly enhanced if you had a slow stroke of the handy during intros that could either be synced with the opening intro misic and/or a slow building 'jerk off' stroke after opening intros to keep viewers at 'full attention ' during the beginning of the scene. These should be non full strokes (maybe a quarter stroke length building up no more than 50% and at a slower pace) . I love watching the 'well hello baby' opener and plot building but I find myself sometimes having to fast forward through because by the time the initial girl cock touching action takes place I am at half mast or less (especially on the back end of mutliple cup sessions).