spacepirate Also, paying less revenue share ( by eliminating heavy users and downloads) would make the major studios less interested in offering their content on SLR.
For them, the only thing that matters is what they get from SLR at the end of the month, and how many users are less likely to opt for a direct subscription to the studio's site in return.
Studios/Networks like C and B already arrived at the conclusion that it is more profitable to sell directly to end users, without a middleman. W has set up its own aggregator website. V is using a compromise with a 4 month delay, but if revenue share drops - if that is the goal of download reduction - they will think about offering V+C themselves.
Or SLR would have to increase revenue share and would be back to the old net result. This is more complex than simply increasing the profit by reducing the revenue share by pushing out the heavy users. If you change one variable in an ecosystem, you don't just get one singular result, but the whole ecosystem reorders itself, becomes unstable in extreme cases, and leads to a new state that is not easily predictable.
As a market leader, you should actually be interested in keeping the system as stable as possible in order to maintain your position as long as possible and optimizing it with very small tweaks only.