Netflix is an aggregator of content but you now find that a lot of the studios who made that content now have their own standalone streaming services and are removing their content from Netflix. The Marvel shows have gone to Disney, The Office gone to Peacock, Friends has gone, the list goes on.
Financially for me and you, you’re right, it’s much better for me to pay for one subscription and get access to all this VR content. I’m not sure it’s better for the content makers though. Maybe it is worth it early on to get their name out there but surely the goal is to cut out the middle man and have people pay you direct for your own content. It’s hard to compete though when these big sites like SLR have so much content included and therefore they end up having to play ball and partner up and that means even less people will subscribe to their site as it’s all on SLR already. It also means that these sites have to make scenes that comply with SLR’s rules or their movies won’t be shown so you’re not going to get anyone pushing boundaries.
I’m just not sure that one site having so much power over the whole VR porn market is that healthy for us getting new and interesting content. Sites are kind of stuck in a situation where they need the revenue from putting stuff on SLR as their site doesn’t generate enough income yet but then they can’t build up subscriptions on their site because all their stuff is on SLR for no extra cost. Why would anyone join Realjam when all their content is on here? Why would anyone join VRHush, Fuckpass, Xsinsvr? It would only be out of pure goodwill, it makes no financial sense to pay for those sites when they’re all here.
This is not a bash on SLR, they are smart and have a good business model. They also help a lot of fledgling VR studios who couldn’t make it on their own. I just think it’s become a bit of a vicious circle and we’re not getting too many new sites as it’s impossible to compete with SLR unless you have financial backing from elsewhere to take the early losses when you’re starting up.