petermc I don’t know if I understand the logic behind this I can only assume content producers would want as many revenue streams for their work as possible.
Porn aside if you look at Netflix, Apple or Amazon they all make their own content but they also aggregate content from other sources as well. They give the studios revenue for the content shared making lower viewed second run and classic items from their site look new again to a whole new audience, while introducing the consumer to works that may not have otherwise experienced.
Let’s face it as a consumer I’m not going to go out and pay a subscription for every single site out there, instead I am going to find the aggregator that provides me the best bang for my buck. It’s Spotify, it’s prime, it’s Netflix, it’s SLR.
Back to porn, even when a studio does get big enough it makes financial sense to partner to provide additional revenue and recognition. Building an application is expensive, buying and integrating competitor is expensive. Partnering generally speaking isn’t.
The holdouts in the movie industry figured this out, as well as, the holdouts in the music industry. I can only assume porn wil stay the course as well.