@Mutiny I am late to seeing your PMV, and as a fellow video editor AND harem fan... I gotta hand it to you. THIS IS EXCELLENT WORK. Really, really, really was such a unique experience after 5+ years of VR porn watching, it's rare to get a new and fresh experience, and this was it!!
I really hope you will continue to do more of these! I think harem scenes are perfect for this because it really almost makes it feel like we are fucking all of them at once.
For example, I loved the way you edited the seated cowgirl section with faster cuts, as opposed to the missionary section where you let each scene breathe a bit. The latter is good too, but something about the faster cuts where every few beats there is a new woman riding on top of me... that's the money for me.
Can't wait to see what you come up with!!! Props all around!