Here's my thing. I am a programmer and I've been in the crypto space for many years now. What you need to ask yourself is what goal are you solving for here? What business opportunities arise? What customer benefits are provided?
If you just have a shallow answer it can be likened to the .com fever. Just crypto fever.
Lifetime subscriptions should be an nft. That makes it a transferable asset for the user. That allows the company to use blockchain tech to verify the user has access to the service. Solid use case which for nft's which nobody is doing because... monke pics. It could allow providing access to users on other services using that same nft. Multi-network porn site deals comes to mind but traditionally they weren't ever actually that good to me. I should add: Lifetime sub when a user doesn't do anything crypto is still a thing that has to be handled. At least until it is more universal.
Replacing favorites with nft's, to me, sounds horrendous. You take away a valuable feature and replace it with something serving a different purpose. Even if you tokenized videos and we had to pay for each one or whatever... within the list of my collection I would want favorites.
Tokenize every video. Makes sense. Provides a solid base to ensure user A has access to that (whether by purchase or subscription). If other producers were on board and getting their fair cut of sales SLR users could go to their service and still access that video. That kind of thing should exist. Crypto does facilitate it more simply that traditional code methods would. In fact all data on a video could be on-chain and global to all services. Obviously certain issues there but globally share user feedback on something could be pretty cool. Today, we just have the same video on infinite distributors each with their whole own community uniquely ranking, commenting, etc. Hell if you did it would be the first true 'multiverse'. I don't even think zucker understands the concept. Silo'd private ecosystems is just a garbage facelift on what already exists. It should not be bound by private entities. You wouldn't store video files themselves on-chain at this stage, to be clear. We're not there yet.
You'd need to stress test HARD. Even basic account queries against a blockchain is completely dependent on that chain functioning at an acceptable speed... which often gets muddy. I don't know what kind of traffic SLR generates but you need to test with a sustained load like that against the desired chain. They make a lot of claims they don't consistently deliver on. Caching and such will come into play of course.
I think there is plenty of opportunity to gamify SLR with crypto, or in gamify it in general. I also thing there is a lot of room to creatively innovate. Just make sure it makes sense. It needs to be seen by solid minded people and not simple lambros or idiots who understand the lameness of the hype without understanding the technology.
I can talk at length on this stuff but will stop here. Cheers.