Thanks for clarifying things.
The lifetime NFT would act similar to a product key in software. The difference being that a user must be able to verify they posses it and blockchain can guarantee that is trustable. Users would also have the option to gift, buy, or sell these. Small opportunity to create a market to facilitate this and earn a little in fees despite there already having been that one-off sell per unit. These could be used with any service that accepts them without SLR needing to provide any kind of api or data. Such as an unofficial event for lifetime members. SLR would issue and be paid for the NFT's initially so motivations for other parties is definitely lower and VR is still pretty niche, let alone crypto.
At the end of the day an NFT is just an ID. However it is also a smart contract able to run code and be referenced in a trustless and decentralized way. All the art nft's literally just have a string of code that is a base url + ID that points to their specific image in a folder full of images. I see them as a good tool to gate access but nearly worthless for any further protection.
I don't have a specific recommendation at this time. There are always new chains and many of them never grow to anything or simply don't meet their own hype. ETH was good until it was slow and expensive. ADA's creator will probably die before its ever in a complete enough state. HPB is pretty cool but I never saw a big load on it. SOL just keeps failing to scale and iterate. AVAX I have heard a lot of good things about.
I can read smart contracts and technical docs and help with understanding, brainstorming, vetting, etc. Wouldn't say I'm qualified to write any at this point. Mostly am just a well rounded web/backend dev