• SLR Backstage Pass

A special shout-out to #Backgroundguy who somehow maintained focus on that book despite the goddess
Hazel Moore being mere feet away

True 😛

spacepirate Exactly.

SLRO is now like that one restaurant that got famous for making the best burgers in town, but now they make soup, salad, breakfast burritos, gluten-free smoothies, sushi, pho, haggis, borscht, pasta, enchiladas, escargot, donuts, and vegetarian dog treats so they can attract "a more diverse range of customers" - and not only does all the new stuff suck, but they are too distracted to make even a decent burger any more.

    Not sure how that pointless mimimi is connected to cool backstage photos...

    spacepirate withy

    Yeah, just a bunch of hot garbage coming your way. It's like we're not even trying anymore...

    ...or maybe you guys could relax for like 5 mins and realize that not every single scene is going to appeal to your specific tastes.

    Now since I'm sure you have some more thoughts you'd like to share, please try to keep it to https://forum.sexlikereal.com/d/566-slr-originals-rally/ or start a new "I am disappointed by the recent content" thread. This one is meant to be for BTS pics and I don't want it to get derailed.

      LordCrash Why don't they shoot these videos more often? It has to be easier to just say "start talking and flirting with me for awhile" I would take 30 minutes of the girls sitting around me talking with there tops down over any warehouse with sheets and no story any day of the week.

      justsomedude101 thanks for sharing. some insanely hot looking scenes there and HOLY SHIT i didnt know melody did another scene!

      justsomedude101 For real, everyone stop whatever you're doing and go listen to the singing voice on Scarlett Alexis

      a lovely tone to her voice, of course her body too