alphaRonaldo Thanks for the detailed review
As i worked on these scenes i can comment on each of them and what particularly was the problem that caused quality issues you mentioned:

alphaRonaldo 1.b. same shot as 1.a.
What's wrong: Details like pussy hair, guy's hair, etc at aren't in focus and look fuzzy.

Fuzziness on this shot is due to dirty lense. Before or during this short one of the models touched the lense with her face and it wasn't fixed right away. That sadly can't be fixed in post.

alphaRonaldo What's wrong: Chest is out of focus. None of the pores etc are clearly discernible.

This scene featured some VFX and was pre-quality improvements, besides it went through several encodings due to project complexity and tight deadlines, which caused some quality loss.

alphaRonaldo What's wrong: No details visible on face. Hair and curls look fuzzy. Additionally, image looked overexposed or plain white.

This scene is not worth a comment as it was released long before improvements and was filmed with out of focus by one of the new directors who only produced this particular scene. Out of focus footage is sadly hardly fixable.

The scenes released no longer than 2 month ago are worth reviewing as those were processed by the new pipeline.

    Manny_S anyway to add a unique tag to the new scenes that supposedly should be filmed correctly based on your response below so we can quickly filter out the absolute best scenes? Would be really helpful

      Manny_S Gotcha! These are some scenes I’ve re-watched a bunch and could remember right away — not that old though.
      From what I understand, the regular scenes released in the past two months have a mix of the new changes and some from the old pipeline.

      Like metichemsi mentioned, adding a tag to show which scenes are affected or updated by pipeline changes would be super helpful. You could do some versioning in the tags and a mention in the blog/forum so we know what improvements to look for. It might take a bit more work, but it’d help keep everyone on the same page.

      6 days later

      doublevr 100% now tell us what voodoo magic, i get the details below about what cause some of the misses below but what is the pipeline workflow changes. Do you use mistika and apply denoising and sharpening in there or are you running your footage through something like topaz. I guess this is more of a compliment more than anything because I definitely notice everything in general looks much sharper and clearer, I'm just curious what has changed so I can try it on my own personal footage.

      doublevr Yes video quality is very good now on originals, eyes becomes something different! I wish other studios would get better gear too since originals appear a little too staged for me.. But I understand it's tricky getting good shots at the same time.

      12 days later

      That kama oxi come with kama scene... oh my god so well shot. It's hard to believe how REAL she looked. And with her new work done, maybe nose, lips, and definitely chest. You guys should shoot SO much more of her, she beats so many of the A listers like Kayden Kross and Riley steele back in THEIR PRIME.

      Does anyone have suggestions on Headset upgrades from my quest 3 to optimize these AMAZING improvements in filming? I have a gaming laptop so it does not have to be stand alone.

        Yeah agreed, AVP is unbeatable in terms of quality. I own both, but honestly use my Quest3 a lot too. I love PT and the AVP doesn't support it so that's really too bad. So because of that and the high price, I'm not sure if I'd recommend it. Only if you can easily spare the money and want the absolute best quality.

        However some very interesting new headsets are coming up this year! Supposedly later this month the play for dream MR headset is coming out, everybody raved about it during CES so could be interesting. And then there's of course the Google/Samsung headset, which as you can read in that article, should be awesome for PT. And the Valve Deckard is also coming up later this year. Ah, also the "meganex8k" is releasing soon. And maybe even more. So if you're in the market right now, it might be an idea to wait a bit, several really good headsets are hitting the market this year. 2025 is going to be a really good year for high end VR.

          doublevr dang, any non-mac options? I hate apple products... I have a Intel computer and a Samsung phone

            harigeharry thanks brother! Really good info! I'll dive into those upcoming headsets! Honestly the Q3 is nice, but it kinda misses me off bc Facebook keeps loading crap onto it, taking up my storage etc

            Reeses it's really great
            Nothing comes close. Yet they make devs life a nightmare

            The GFE scene with Sky Wonderland—I’m interested in your opinion on lens tilt during the lay-down position.

              doublevr changed the title to Improved Originals quality .
              5 days later

              Adrianvr I didn't notice a difference in the tilt for laying down position.
              A bigger thing to work on would be the closeup mish. It's never been good. Almost every other major studio does it better. Everything is in the wrong place. The girl is stacked up on 4 pillows, your arms are coming out of your hips. Your dick is 10 feet behind you.

                He might be a piece of shit but he know how to direct scenes that looked correct. Study him

                Both close and far

                Both close and far

                Close and far

                From SLR directors that no longer work for SLR

                This with Kitty Valance lines up so perfectly


                All are different places on the bed and none have a bunch of pillows piled under the girl. Some are the guy standing at the side of the bed. Some have the girl at the headboard. Some have the girl on a couch or chair. But NO pillows.
                "Are" arms are in the right place. We can see the action from the right distance and still be close to the girl's face.

                  rerun119 That Melody Marks scene is the perfect example of what i want in the close-up missionary position. You can see everything so much better and the penetration isn't a mile away in the shadows like a lot of the SLRO scenes.