alphaRonaldo Thanks for the detailed review
As i worked on these scenes i can comment on each of them and what particularly was the problem that caused quality issues you mentioned:
alphaRonaldo 1.b. same shot as 1.a.
What's wrong: Details like pussy hair, guy's hair, etc at aren't in focus and look fuzzy.
Fuzziness on this shot is due to dirty lense. Before or during this short one of the models touched the lense with her face and it wasn't fixed right away. That sadly can't be fixed in post.
alphaRonaldo What's wrong: Chest is out of focus. None of the pores etc are clearly discernible.
This scene featured some VFX and was pre-quality improvements, besides it went through several encodings due to project complexity and tight deadlines, which caused some quality loss.
alphaRonaldo What's wrong: No details visible on face. Hair and curls look fuzzy. Additionally, image looked overexposed or plain white.
This scene is not worth a comment as it was released long before improvements and was filmed with out of focus by one of the new directors who only produced this particular scene. Out of focus footage is sadly hardly fixable.
The scenes released no longer than 2 month ago are worth reviewing as those were processed by the new pipeline.