Tend to agree about the issues described above regarding reposts/compilations/non-original/bulk content.
A previous post on the topic: https://forum.sexlikereal.com/d/7069-should-we-keep-generic-compilations/18
The quality v.s. quantity scale is out of balance, I'd say. I guess I don't mind if it exists, but it needs to be filtered out from view almost entirely everywhere (lists, notifications, all over) if it hasn't met a quality gate.
It feels a bit like logging into Netflix and all you see is no new shows but random reposts of old movies and random fan clips from kids remaking hollywood movies in their living room. There is probably a new episode of a show you're interested in somewhere in there, but you can't quite ever find it amongst all the other stuff:
- "Owen Wilson Saying Wow, Compilation 14"
- "Strange woman sleeps motionless on couch far away from camera"
- "Various Asian Actors Walking Outside At Night (Edit)"
- "Poorly edited auto-generated greenscreen content that accurately cuts out 11% of the edges of items which is also just a copy of that other video over there"
- "F.R.I.E.N.D.S.: All Season 2 Shots Where Someone Walks Through A Doorway"
- "Season 6, Episode 7: But with 15 extra minutes added to the version we released 2 months ago, you'll have to rewatch the whole thing to find out where"
- "That Movie You Watched Last Week That Wasn't Ready At The Time But We Re-Released It As A Copy With The CGI Effects Finally Added, Oops"
- ...
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the occasional YouTube video on a niche topic. But I'm not going to pay for it for the content subscription like I would for Netflix or HBO or someone who balances quality and quantity and it's not just a free for all The tech angle is fine, but the growth of the tech has to go along with the curation of high quality content and partners if the customers are to go along for the ride and fund it.