My year long sub run out not long ago and I'm not subscribing again until volume of normal (non-PT) scenes increases.
No idea why there is such an emphasis on PT. I have Q3 and this feature is a novelty, 2 weeks and it wears off. It's honestly not good enought to warrant 1 out of 2 scenes to be PT. 1 in 5 mb I could accept. As is I'll stick to other studios.
On the side note I second the voices to have more high caliber stars.
Rest of the stuff I don't really care about.
I have to say though, the SLR Drive though sounds awful lot like a gateway to further reduce download limits which also will be unacceptable (In before "Why download if you can put it on your SLR Drive???" nonsense). I think a lot of people should be wary of this...