RealcumberScripts Hey, thank you. So it happens every time I've used the app since the update. I won't say it's a single video that does it in particular, it's "feels" more like a timing thing, it's not really predictable. As I said, once I became aware it was going to happen more less every time I tried to provoke it by using shortcut keys like fast fwd, skip to next tag etc.
Obviously, I don't really discuss the details of how my friends consume porn, but personally I skip around to different videos a lot, I'm not like just throwing on one and watching it end to end. I'll try to keep a count next time and see if it is consistent with a certain number and/or time.
I just took a quick look at my history as that would tell maybe if the number of videos was consistent, but it would appear that it only records the first time you watch a video? Anyway, I'll try to get more datapoints over the next few days.
As an aside, am I either missing something or is this still a WIP feature. When it comes to native controls for the Quest app + direct connection, with the latest version the bind to turn on manual mode works, but you can't adjust the speed at all in the app. It'd be great if there were bindable shortcuts to increase/decrease speed but at minimum the slider doesn't seem to work in the menu either.