Everyone else may already know this, but just in case. Something that’s been adding to my enjoyment of the Passthrough experiences has been using Siri to control the video. I’ve always used Moon Player in the past and because of the ease of bringing up the player controls and moving around, it was never anything I considered before. With the Passthrough workaround, however, it takes quite a bit to get to and from the player controls. The most useful Siri Commands for me have turned out to be:
“Go Back/Go Forward X Minutes and/or Y seconds”
“Go to the X Minute and/or Y seconds Point”
“Go Away”
The second one is interesting because by looking at the video on the web interface ahead of time and choosing a few key scene starts/transitions, I can instantly jump to them whenever I like. I just write them down (or actually put them on an iPad in big font) and because its Passthrough I can glance to the side to see the appropriate time to jump to when I want to make that transition.
The Siri sphere stays around for about 30 seconds when you call Siri (to allow for multiple commands) but the third command allows you to get rid of it instantly when appropriate.
This also all works in Moon Player and I like it so much (because its hands free and so easy) that I have also started using it there (but not the second command because without Passthrough I cannot glance at the jump points).