So users that buy annual subscriptions, regardless if they are subbed or not at the moment of bying, will actually have 15% lower subscription price without their limits touched? Of course saying -15% etc. means nothing because SLR sub prices are newer the same and there is always some "promos" that make it impossible to say what the price actually is.
I did write down current values to compare later though (for discounts I computed price before discount)
But if the limits are not touched for long subs then I don't think this is a bad change. It's sort of like a loyalty program, where people who pay more get more.
You just did it the "Youtube" way where you give people something and now take it away, which is always "bad" and will get you negative PR regardless how you try to spin it.
Giving 100% of value to group A and giving 115% to group B because they are "better" customers is always preferable than giving group B 100% and 50% to group A because they are "worse" customers ("better" and "worse" used strictly as a business value)