petermc You saying, if I don’t like Alex Nash, I must like boring, standard, non-intimate cookie cutter porn is not.
Obviously you don't understand the meaning of a smiley and when somebody is just poking you with a stick... 🙁
petermc I also never said his scenes are the same as everyone else’s. I said he repeats himself and makes the same stuff over and over. The same camera angles, same fetishes, same male talent, same vanilla sex and even a lot of similar looking girls. His scenes are cookie cutter as they have a formula and most look and feel the same.
If that's true for Nash it's true for every single VR director out there, only to a bigger extend. Show me one porn director who doesn't repeat himself with basically every single scene. Yes, there's armpit action in almsot every one of his scenes but only on top of what everybody else is doing. It just adds to the menu. How's that worse than simply doing blowjob -cowgirl - reverse cowgirl - doggy - closeup mish, mish, cumshot - done like 99% of all VR scenes work? I don't get why you specifically blame Nash for being repetitive when his scenes include a lot more stuff than most others scenes out there. I asked before and I ask again: Which mainstream director e.g. adds footplay to quite a few of his scenes? I don't know any and I guess I watch more VR porn than you. And no, I don't accept VRPlayful again as an answer for everything, you already played that part.
I understand that you have reasons for not liking Nash like positions, angles, not enough anal, too much John Strong or whatever. Might be more than one reason, I actually don't care. But blaming him for repetition in an industry that is rifled with even much more repetiton is simply hilarious. That's like blaming France for having a boring cuisine when Great Britain is just a small leap across the pond...
Do actually watch for example his latest VRSpy scene with Melody Marks and then come back to this place. I do wonder if you'll still telling me to the face that all his porn looks and feels the same or is "formulaic" (beyond VR porn's formulaic nature itself) or even boring. Like what the heck?
petermc I will leave it there now though, it’s silly to be arguing over porn.
That's the whole point of this forum, lol. If arguing over porn is silly for you you definitely shouldn't have made an account in the first place... 🤣
No, we can't, at least not on the statements you make. It's always easy to make bold statements and then act like it's all settled and dealt with. Well, it's not.