vrpicasso Passthrough really highlights any flaws in camera position and scaling. I think directors need a more scientific approach to achieve precision in these areas, or it's a frustrating experience, constantly trying to get the image in the right place and distance.
I cannot upvote this comment enough. The bigger problem is that even with a consistent, scientific approach (which will never happen here since SLR has no top-down creative standards - they just give anyone a camera and send them out to shoot stuff), the directors have to shoot a product that will look correct in an infinite number of settings that people will project it into. Sure, you can use your player to change angles and zoom, but we all know how that warps the picture and adds to an already unrealistic and unimmersive expereience.
Passthrough is always going to be gimmicky nonsense that dumbs down what a true immersive VR experience should be. Otherwise, just change your name to 3Dporn.com and be done with it.