Philip No one is commenting? I guess I'll have to make that harem release be pushed to the back of releases since no one wants it 😂
I few months ago, I was going to post this gif and ask for more Harem, but I wanted to keep waiting patiently since you guys are busy doing so many other things for us...

And I honestly don't know what happened to the harem series, but it makes me so glad and excited to see a teaser for the new harem scene! 😊
I hope we get more harem in 2023! And so, SLR Originals' Team, on behalf of my harem brothers, whatever you do, whether it's American, European or any hot girls, please don't stop shooting harem scenes with women from all over the world! 🙏🌏🌱🌤💦💦💦💦💦🍋🍓🍑🍊🍈🍐🍒🍇🍎

But I don't know why, seeing this colorful pic makes me think of the word "Aroma"... I'm certainly looking forward for arms-up scenes! 👅😤
I just love what I'm seeing right now! It's always nice to see different settings (sequels are awesome as well)! And of course, I love the traditional outfits! I'm so pumped for another epic marathon session! So thanks to you, we are going to keep the harem dream alive! And knowing this, it makes Christmas season even better! Thank you, man! You know we really appreciate you, bro! 🎄😎👍