doublevr There’s a general arrangement after we accomplish VR we either move towards cloning or teleportation business.
Time travel might be another interesting venue
Please let me know.
What do you mean by accomplish VR? You've done that, but there are lots of advances you could still make. You're working on a sex toy? Great!
How about interactive VR? Not sex toys, but where the user can speak with the performers and they respond according to some type of AI programing?
Have you considered developing your own headset specifically tailored for optimum watching of VR Porn?
Haptic feedback on other parts of a viewer's body? Even synced minor vibrations on thighs, stomach, or nipples can add to the immersive impact.
Okay, but after that stuff
Time travel to use to transport crews back in time to shoot VR porn using performers who are no longer performing would seem to be a natural extension of the SLR brand. But maybe you could do that with AI soon.
Also You should go public and give your dedicated and loyal users an insider shot at the IPO! Sign me up!
Speaking of AI and stocks--I'm so pissed. About a year ago, I bought 100 shares of Nvida at $171. I got nervous and sold it two weeks later for about the same price. Did you see what it is priced at now? I'm an idiot.
Just like I was an idiot when I thought Apple was going to go under in the 1990's and I could have bought for $13 a share.
And I passed on Walmart in the late 1980's.
Jeez, I'm stupid sometimes.