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  • How long are new scripts down for? Why did you fire 1 of only 2 good directors?

I see that new scripts don't seem to show up in the new script section. I found one that is not in the new release section. It shows that it is scripted by the blue fleshlight symbol in the top left corner. It also says that you can buy the script. If you try to play it nothing happens.


Realcumber said that the script section is down because of the new update and being worked on.
How long is this going to take? It's the weekend and I only watch scripted scenes now. This amounts to zero new content on SLR until this is fixed.

I hope this is top priority and will be fixed very soon. It always feels like one step forward two steps back around here. The Handy wasn't working correctly last week with the server and now no new scenes.

Plus the firing of @vrfanservice. One of only two good directors now just gone. It better have been a really good reason. You obviously can't just go hire a replacement that is as close as good. Unless you think making big dick, NaughtyAmerica, zero story, camera always too far away scenes are the way to go. Vrfanservice was on par with Nash.

@doublevr how are you going to make 3 to 4 good scenes a week with only one good director? What is the plan? Why did you fire VRfanservice?

    rerun119 Plus the firing of @vrfanservice. One of only two good directors now just gone…Vrfanservice was on par with Nash.

    Great if you’re “one of only two good directors” I guess.

    I’m not telling who to like or not like. Or what to post. But you do realize there are actual people at the other end of your comments?


      Wait... you fired @vrfanservice ? Are you insane, or did i read that wrong? There are very few people willing to produce interesting material in VR, and they were one of them. Great. Like literally every scene they do is one of my favourites, and you actually let them go.

      i am genuinely very disappointed with you. i gave you a staggeringly large sum of money (like a fool, i wonder now...) and in return expected a professionally curated site full of a varied and interesting porn. Instead, we appear to be losing content, not gaining it. Are @vrfanservice gonna pull their catalogue, like VR Bangers did? Fuck me, that would really hurt.

      Seriously, if you really care about your customers, please explain, why did you fire my (and a lot of other peoples, btw...) favourite studio? i'm fed up with defending you in random corners of the internet, only to find you've stitched me up whilst my back was turned...

      While I agree that Alex Mack brought some pretty great models, his technique is really bad. I realize he might be reading it, but he knows it already anyway, just check EVERY comment on his scenes and they are pretty much negatives. Only reasons people thumbs up his scenes is because he does have great models and set/story.
      Every scene from him seems like you have a giraffe neck and they are shot from miles away. Scale is also too small (but I guess it's related to the giraffe neck). VRFanservice was far from perfect but it was watchable.
      Now, I'm sure there are room for improvements and I really hope that's how it's gonna be. VRFanservice was really bad at first too, they improved only recently IMO.
      To me, only @alexnash is perfection anyway, and his scenes always have some kind of consistency ever since he shot scenes for VRBangers.

        Wait, VRfanservice was actually fired? I just assumed he left to pursue other things.

        None of our business why he was let go but it’s disappointing as, despite me not seeing eye to eye with him on a lot of his earlier scenes, he did some really good ones of late, some not so good ones too but definitely on an upward trajectory.

          bacula8630 you do realize there are actual people at the other end of your comments?

          I do understand that actual people will read this. I didn't mention anybody by name. Although I think people can figure it out. How are you supposed to say "Hey, you're filming the scenes too far away." Or any of the other stuff without saying it.

          If MGM makes a movie and the people and critics don't like the movie. They say it loudly. They don't worry about hurting the directors feeling. That is not the customers problem. It's the studio or directors problem. MGM can keep making movies that suck or they can fire the director and get somebody that knows how to shoot a movie. Same for SLR, they can ignore the people or they can try to make things better.

          We now live in a world where you can't say anything that might hurt someone's feelings. That can be a real problem because then they will just keep making the same thing because nobody will tell them.

          I want to like all of SLR videos. But I don't, so I am saying it in the hopes that they will try to get better. I hope anybody that reads the comments and thinks it is about them will go watch their videos and think about what VR is to the common man. Think about how it is different then 2d. Think about what people like about Nash's videos. Really think about the story you are about to tell. Think about is this just a porno or can I make this something better than that. And watch your own work to see what the camera looks like to people.

            rerun119 How are you supposed to say "Hey, you're filming the scenes too far away." Or any of the other stuff without saying it.

            By saying exactly that. Not really sure how saying only 2 directors on this sight are good. And the rest are unwatchable, helps anyone.

            I’m certainly not saying that you can’t be critical. Or you’re only allowed to leave positive comments full of sunshine and rainbows. But at the same time, one has to ask themselves, “Why am I leaving a comment or feedback in the first place”?

            Is it just to hear yourself talk? Is it to hurt someone’s feelings? Or is it to affect some sort of change?

            I think we all know VR has a steeper learning curve than regular 2D porn. So when I leave a comment or feedback, I try to leave specific examples or ways to make it better. Rather than say something like “This scene is hot garbage!” Or something vague like that. Even if the producer is receptive to constructive criticism, what are they supposed to do with a comment like that?

            Like I said in my original comment, you’re welcome to say whatever you want. Personally, I try to emphasize the “constructive”, in constructive criticism. And I try to speak to people the way I would like to be spoken to.

            That’s all I’m trying to say. I’m not trying to pick a fight. I know the internet is full of guys that love to argue. I’m not one of them.

              bacula8630 I'm so tired of this attitude in the discussion board that people can't be critical or else it's a damn warcrime.

              We aren't a "community", and they aren't our friends. They aren't gifting us free VR porn out of some beneficence. We pay a not inconsiderable sum to obtain quality porn up to certain standards that at the very least don't constantly decline. This is a customer feedback discussion board to share our opinions - critical or not - on the product we are paying for. If they don't want to be criticized, they can a) not read it, or b) clean up their act.

              bacula8630 So when I leave a comment or feedback, I try to leave specific examples or ways to make it better.

              Maybe you are new around here, but the most critical people on this forum have been doing EXACTLY that for literally YEARS. They ignore the feedback, or post some nonsense on why we are wrong, or post some tantrum about how we don't appreciate them enough. What they don't do is fix the problems that are pointed out specifically, explicitly, and repeatedly. THAT is why people post "This is hot garbage" - because they already KNOW why it is hot garbage! They've BEEN told. They don't care! But, they dominate the market, so we just have to deal with them like any other monopoly that milks their market dominance without having to respond to criticism.

                Will65 I'm so tired of this attitude in the discussion board that people can't be critical or else it's a damn warcrime.

                Did you even read my post? Where did I say you can’t be critical? I just think there are different ways to say things, and still make your point. I’ve left my fair share of criticism. I just try to be more constructive about it.

                You’re welcome to say whatever you want. However you want. Knock yourself out.

                As far as the forum goes. I do see it as a community. I hang out here because we all have the same interest. VR Porn.
                Are the scenes SLR put out all perfect? No. And I’ve left comments stating as much. But overall, I’m happy with this site. If I wasn’t happy, I’d probably go elsewhere.

                And if these “critical people” you alluded to have been pointing out specifics for years to the producers with no improvement. Why would you keep beating your head against the wall? Why not let your wallet do the talking? Do they have lifetime subs already?

                  calm down guys, both parties are happy to move on whatever you call "being fired" or "leaving to pursue other things". we parted in a good way and everyone is happy about it.

                  Bringing things this way is no cool

                    rerun119 thanks for bringing some sanity 🙏
                    we need it badly in year 2023. we parted in a good way. remember to enjoy things why they last. it won't be forever

                      Will65 it works a bit different.

                      99% of users are happy with SLR products and they simply come, enjoy the most of it till the next time. The things we do are intended to work outside of the box for everyone's pleasure 👍️ 99% of customers are not leaving a single comment. Nor it's good or wrong, that's how it is.

                      Then there are power users like you guys who contribute their feedback for the sake of future change. It's really appreciated. You can't be factually saying

                      They ignore the feedback
                      it's simply wrong. There's a ton of change how SLR functions coming from user feedback we appreciate like no one else in the industry.

                      On the other hand it's disgrace reading that negativity from some folks over and over again. You barely make things happen assaulting people. Also in some cases there is going to be NO for an answer. That's how things work in life. I give up on a ton of my stuff as well 🤷 because of the same reason. Say all the things you want without assaulting people, especially once you have no idea on the matter. VRFanService was a great producer and it's a shame things did not work our well. No one should be blamed for this with strong language.

                      Love and peace into your hearts 🙏
                      Love and be loved 🥰

                        bacula8630 Why would you keep beating your head against the wall?

                        Because I don't watch VR porn without scripts, and SLR has effectively cornered the market for scripts. Other sites that offer scripts only offer low-quality, AI-generated scripts that cant be downloaded. CzechVR offers hand-scripted scenes for their vids, but they are like 3 or 4 months behind, and their scripter isn't very good. While some people script and share for free, it is certainly no way to get current scenes scripted, as they do it on their own personal taste only. There is a discord where people offer pools of money to scripters to script scenes, but even offering $200+ dollars is not enough to get them to script a scene that isn't included on SLR, since SLR has the only real resale market. Basically, if it isn't on SLR, it isn't getting scripted. So, you see - I am stuck with SLR if I want to use scripts. Therefor, I have a strong interest in SLR Originals being high quality, intimate, well-shot, well-directed vids with approprioate angles and lighting for scripting (since most of the other studios on SLR - with a few exceptions - are dreck). INstead, though, they keep dumbing VR porn down to 3D porn, which is unintersting and responds poorly to scripting. You would think that a company that dominates the scripting market and is developing their own stroker would pay more attention to the haptics users constantly explaining what they do wrong, but it falls on deaf ears because they pay more attention to gimmicky things that no one asked for (shorts, journeys, music tracks) or that few people can really take advantage of (passthrough, which is AR not VR), or shoot themselves in the foot by locking out features that power users really care about (XBVR, Heresphere, constatly shrinking download allowances).

                        bacula8630 Do they have lifetime subs already?


                        doublevr 99% of users are happy with SLR products and they simply come, enjoy the most of it till the next time.

                        doublevr 99% of customers are not leaving a single comment.

                        And that's the problem with a big site like this. For the price other studios charge for access to only their content, you give people a plethora of vids. Quantity, however, is not akin to quality. You keep calling yourselves the future of porn, but in my view, you are hurting it in the same way that pornhub and other tube sites that you emulate killed the traditional porn industry. Sure, there is a ton of porn on pornhub, but the majority of it is reptitive, ameteurish, low-quality stuff just good enough to keep people clicking. But that site (and yours) has sucked up so many consumer dollars that it makes it difficult for others to compete with you (like we are already seeing in the scripting market). Which means as goes SLR, so goes the VR porn industry. So when your quality starts to look more like Naughty America than the SLR I subbed to in 2019 - yeah, I have issues. You have some responsibility here to not drag the whole industry in a shitty direction. VR has unique possibilities, and you are wasting them to produce 3D porn. VR was attractive because it WASN'T just traditional flat porn with goggles. As I keep saying, Walmart makes a metric fuckton of money by putting the competition out of business and dominating the market with the lowest price on cheap, awful, plastic crap. Are they wildly successful? Yes.

                        But most people hate them.

                        Innovate by out-competing on quality, not by immitating what everyone else does already a little cheaper, or with gimmicky nonsense. Be a leader.

                          Will65 Because I don't watch VR porn without scripts, and SLR has effectively cornered the market for scripts. Other sites that offer scripts only offer low-quality, AI-generated scripts that cant be downloaded. CzechVR offers hand-scripted scenes for their vids, but they are like 3 or 4 months behind, and their scripter isn't very good.

                          Fair enough. I don’t use scripts, and know nothing about the difficulties of finding good ones.

                          Although are approaches are different. I think we are all after the same thing. The best VR Porn experience possible.

                          So in that sense, I wish you and the OP the best of luck.

                          I would just like to express that my opinion is 100% different than this person's opinion.

                          While not perfect, I think SLR is an excellent site overall. Keep up the good work.

                          Will65 You keep calling yourselves the future of porn, but in my view, you are hurting it in the same way that pornhub and other tube sites that you emulate killed the traditional porn industry. Sure, there is a ton of porn on pornhub, but the majority of it is reptitive, ameteurish, low-quality stuff just good enough to keep people clicking.

                            doublevr Thank you for getting the scripts back up.

                            Contrary to people thinking that I want to hurt people's feelings, I don't. I just want to point out how it looks on my end of the VR headset. I think you understand that, I hope.

                            As far as I said that VRfanservice got fired. I said that because that is what VRfanservice said on another post on here. I have no idea what happened other than them saying they got fired and are looking for work. And you saying that " we parted in a good way and everyone is happy about it."

                            I just want SLR to make the best possible VR experiences.